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F* trump and everyone that voted for him
ThreePointTakedown replied to 152lbs's topic in Non Wrestling Topics
An easy way to help their VP to the nomination in '28. 1. Announce the pardoning of the J6 criminals. 2. Let your VP tell a reporter that those that attacked the police should not be pardoned. 3. Pardon the 'tresspassers' non violent offenders. 4. Let the VP tell another reporter that a conversation was had that the VP will resign if the J6 insurrectionists that attacked police will be pardoned. 5. Have a press conference to announce the J6 insurrectionists that were convicted of attacking police will NOT be pardoned because they back the blue are for law and order or whatever blather they need to say to give their base the dopamine they need. 6. Lame duck president sets the VP up to be strong and a force to be reconned with in '28. 7. Instead 47 made their VP look feckless and weak. The question that will end JD's political carrier will be, 'Why didn't you resign after learning the violent J6 insurrectionists were to be pardoned if you actually care about law and order and backing the blue?' The short answer will be, 'I want to be president some day.' Long answer, 'Going against 47 is a political death sentence. So I will lie cheat and fallat whomever I need to to get there. I will coddle any racist, homophobe, transphobe, and POS that can help me become president.' You all support the scummiest people. Which makes you scum yourself. Enjoy. -
F* trump and everyone that voted for him
ThreePointTakedown replied to 152lbs's topic in Non Wrestling Topics
This seems appropriate to keep at the top of the queue for the next 47/5 months or so. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, that got all up in arms about the mayor doing something then undoing something but not really ever having done anything of significance, being raked over the proverbial coals for the fires in LA. Will stay eerily and loudly silent over the very real effect the president and their policies had on the crash in DC. Knowing that they are all full of $hhht they will cower in the shadows rather than stick their neck out for what is right and true. But will hope to continue to suckle at the dying teet of an orange skinned moron that could care less if they live or die. I know this because they sicked their horde or uneducated morons on the capitol building in a fit of rage for not being able to convince 60 some odd judges that they really won the election. Even tho we all, and they/them, know for a fact they lost the election. A liar that was finally going to be held accountable for their crimes was going to be sentences to potentially years in prison. Ran for president and said 'Yes' to anyone and everyone that they could say yes to. In the hopes of not going to prison for at least 4 years. Remember, the president is immune from prosecution. No one else is. Can't wait for a Reagan-esque prosecution of their staff and cabinet for all the crimes they are committing and will commit. -
Stop me if this has already been said. But ID is needed to register. And not ID in the typical sense of a small plastic card. Sometimes in the form of a birth certificate coupled with a utility bill. These are required to tie you to an address. Which is located inside a district. That district determines which elections are on your particular ballot. If you are registered to vote. You have already done the hard part. Proved who you are and where you live. Confirming your address is in essence confirming who you are when you registered. Considering the risk vs reward of trying to fraudulently vote for someone else it is not likely that someone would try to do it. Hint, not many people have. Many have been caught. The numbers of which have not been high enough to be statistically significant enough to sway an election. This is what we call a 'Solution in search of a problem'. Everyone knows that forcing people to pay more, just for the opportunity to vote will disenfranchise some. And if the rationale for wanting voter ID laws for one reason is enough then surely it is for this reason too. If even one person is disenfranchised to vote, isn't that too many? Many of those people will be poor. Not able to afford to get ID(keeping in mind not everyone drives) or make multiple trips to scarcer and scarcer DMVs. Or the idea of having to wait in longer and longer voting lines, where conveniently enough republicans have enacted laws to no allow them to receive water(what are their reasons for that, btw? To protect your vote from undue influence, BS!) The confess their motives with their actions. Anyone that defends them is benefitting(or convinced they are benefitting, when they clearly aren't) from the tactics and cannot be trusted to honest. Long story short. People who, typically, want to pay less in taxes want others to pay more just to participate. All while making themselves believe its for the greater good when we all know it isn't and its been proven. So can we just drop this already?
The World's Fascination w/ Children
ThreePointTakedown replied to Husker_Du's topic in Non Wrestling Topics
We obviously need more religion to tell us how depraved and sinful we are. With those same people offering us the one and only way to cleanse ourselves of the filth that we were born into. Keeping in mind, many of them have a financial stake in convincing us that they, alone, hold the wisdom passed down from on high meant to be the balm of our sinful nature. That'll do it, right? -
I actually started a few weeks before the December holiday so maybe not, technically, a new year resolution. But I've gone a few times and it is great. I will continue until we decide that it is no longer needed. Having someone to talk to about things in my life has been wonderful. Highly recommend it. If you don't think its for you. Cool. I get it. I was there too. I took the plunge and it was better and easier than I ever would have thought. If talking to someone in person is not for you then you can talk to someone online or over the phone. If you don't have insurance that covers it. That stinks. I'm sorry. There are probably resources to find to subsidize the care. I fully expect some to weaponize this post as a 'weakness' but we all know why someone might do that so I will continue to ignore those posters. Interesting thought: instead of universal healthcare across the board, which people are against for, almost exclusively racist reasons, how about universal mental health care? What are you thoughts? If they are the same reasons as universal HC then just don't. Happy New Year
Listening to it, it was pretty garbled. But I understand his 'deplorables-esque' reference. Because at this point, they are. They are ok with a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, ignoramus that doesn't understand business, healthcare, or tariffs. The current president, that is not up for reelection made a faux pas by telling the truth. I'll agree its not advantageous to Harris because the party of constant victimhood will never miss an opportunity to play the victim. Despite privilege beyond measure. Could that be a religious hold over? Probably, considering a vast majority of those that support this party are religious zealots. Zealots = people of religion that preaches a morality they don't abide by, but insist others do, but punish them through political processes, if they don't. Sum up. Joe was right. But it doesn't help his VP from winning the race, necessarily. Not that there is any chance that KH loses, it just doesn't help. Again, sucks to suck!
For someone that is obviously racist. Why offer to pay them for the opportunity to watch a racist film about a racist if you are not, racist-adjacent, yourself? Being 'curious' and not 'bought in', would bring you absolutely nothing. I get the 'listen to the opposing side argument before coming to a conclusion' but you don't have to pay a racist to understand their argument if you have any kind of imagination. They're racist, its not hard to understand why they might hold that opinion. Taught to them at an early age. They have emotional ties to maintaining the belief. Changing it would mean addressing a whole lot of other opinions they can't justify. See, as a non-racist I just did it. Racism is much like religion. They get you young. Plant the seed deep. Tie a whole lot of emotional baggage to the 'truth'. Then tell you that you shouldn't ask or look for any answer that isn't already provided by the truth that has been provided to you. It'll be interesting to see the responses defending religion and/or racism. Seeing as they, typically, are one and the same. Does Dog have a preferred people? Isn't that racism?
"The Georgia Supreme Court left in place a lower court ruling that several controversial new election rules are “illegal, unconstitutional, and void.” The rules would have made election certification discretionary, required hand-counting the number of ballots, made drop boxes harder to use, and expanded the role of poll watchers. The appeal will proceed on a normal schedule, which means the state supreme court will fully consider the challenge against the rules over the next few months." They tried to rig the election a few weeks before hand but got b* slapped by their own, conservative, Supreme Court.
Did you follow up to see if that was true? I'll bet dollars to donuts you didn't. But at least you were able to share a source and make a point. Get that dope-a-mine!
like the economy each D prez inherited after the last two GOP presidents. Kansas pretty much ran the conservative playbook to the letter for a few years. Did all the things they wished would happen nation wide. What happened? I'd say they admitted failure but we all know they'd never actually do that. What they did was reverse a lot of the policies that led to the horrendous hole they found themselves in. Who did they have to complain about? No one but themselves. I'll bet there can be found a few people that tried to blame it on those lousy liberals. Conservative policies are not popular because they don't do any of the things y'all hope they would. Its because they aren't born out of empathy or compassion. Just self righteousness and toxic survivalist mentality that just makes you look and sound like a toddler thought it up. Y'all are gonna lose NC. Maybe TX and if that happens, that's the game folks. You've never been less popular and those numbers are not trending upward. The more we learn the less appealing conservatism is. Enjoy the last few weeks your party and ideology is relevant.
Trump's history of sexual assault
ThreePointTakedown replied to Saylors_Tiny_Willie's topic in Non Wrestling Topics
Is the use of this term simply to try to halt a conversation? If not I fail to see the benefit of typing it. Are you just trying to phantom flex on someone by trying to guilt them into not expressing their thoughts? Granted some people just like to read their own words but that sentiment can be expressed in a less aggressive way. Is 'virtue signaling' in the same boat as calling someone 'racist'? You feel the intent of the statement as dishonest and bias. -
I guess it would be a problem of priorities. Ivy League has no need to fund scholarships. So all the $ that comes in goes to operating budget, gear, facilities, and other perks. If you were Duke and you started getting a boat load of $ like Princeton. Would you start with scholarships for athletes, operations, gear, facilities, or misc? I would start with scholarships. That would put you apart from the Ivies right off the bat. Then start working on the others. Its a long game. If Lanham wasn't or hasn't been working to do that or something similar, not saying he hasn't, that Duke should probably find someone who can/will. For the sake of their future alumni. Or at least put together a big pot of $ for NIL if nothing else.
Thanks for trying to diminish the scope of my opinion. Lots of people agree with me. More than I think you are comfortable admitting. More than 50% of the population if I had to guess. Likely you as well. Find some community that help you to grow out of your bad ideas. Or at least challenge you. Its too easy to blow off an anonymous poster on a thread when I challenge you because there are no ramifications. I'll bet you don't have anyone you respect that would disagree with you despite you being quite wrong. Its comforting having like minded people around you but not great to foster out of the box thinking. Good luck