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BobDole last won the day on November 9 2023

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  1. It was Ruble's uncle who passed away in an ATV accident this past weekend.
  2. It was approved the day you applied, you have to set it up.
  3. As long as you don't get shot or have you car broken into. Downtown St Louis has become worse over the past 15 years.
  4. I am only the one that is maintaining everything and doing the back end. It isn't my end call on what goes on here. If it was there would be other changes that people like you wouldn't like.
  5. I'm glad you have taken time away from gathering pictures of drag queens and trans people to make a snide remark. Yes we have a test site that we can see what is going on. Every person has a different experience viewing the website whether its from a desktop, mac, android, tablet, etc. I don't have the time, nor all of those devices to test functionality in every possible manner. Until these ads generate enough income that Willie can tell me to quit my full-time job, then some of the changes will take a little bit to get done.
  6. We are in communication to tweak the ads currently. With the holiday weekend and some other activities hopefully we get some updates in the next day or two.
  7. Can you scroll down to get past that issue with the bottom ad or is that the end of the page?
  8. You have used all but 435kb of your allotted upload space. Of your 60ish pictures, 15 of them are of drag queens or transwomen. I think you need to lay off posting those pictures, just a suggestion.
  9. There isn't a cap on your screenshot limit, you reached the max for the site. Maybe you should limit the amount of pictures you have of drag queens and you won't use the space up so quickly.
  10. What browser(Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc) and what device(laptop, desktop, iPhone aka losers, Android, etc) are you using? Also which ad is causing this? If you have screenshots post them here or email them to me at intermat.forum@gmail.com.
  11. #1 This is Willie's site, I am a public servant, just doing what the man wants #2 Ads pay the bills #3 If some functionality is being blocked as some are saying, please respond with what the issue is in as much detail as possible. Please include what browser(Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc) and what device(laptop, desktop, iPhone aka losers, Android, etc). That will help in seeing the issues and passing them along. I can already tell the popup in the lower right is causing some issues. On mobile devices you should be able to scroll down to get past the ad to input a reply, but I only see that on my fantastic Android phone. Sorry guys, in Heaven we only use Androids. If you can't get screenshots added to the topic, email them to me at intermat.forum@gmail.com.
  12. #1 This is Willie's site, I am a public servant, just doing what the man wants #2 Ads pay the bills #3 If some functionality is being blocked as some are saying, please respond with what the issue is in as much detail as possible. Please include what browser(Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc) and what device(laptop, desktop, iPhone aka losers, Android, etc). That will help in seeing the issues and passing them along. I can already tell the popup in the lower right is causing some issues. On mobile devices you should be able to scroll down to get past the ad to input a reply, but I only see that on my fantastic Android phone. Sorry guys, in Heaven we only use Androids. If you can't get screenshots added to the topic, email them to me at intermat.forum@gmail.com.
  13. So which scientists do we support and listen to? I thought they all were bad and uncle Larry's cousin who knew someone that was a nurse was the one to trust.
  14. So how do we find which scientists are the ones to support?
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