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34 minutes ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

Posting articles and asking me to use my time to go through them is intellectually lazy on your part. Also, I try to give my time to people who are honest and you are not. J actually tries to have a conversation. Less on dunking and calling people Jr. to make themselves feel superior. As if not dying is some how a flex.

You should have an opinion on what they bring to the table. As you didn't, I just assume you want me to waste my time as those articles and your opinions are a waste of time. 

You are lazy that’s a fact.  You bring nothing but psycho babble to any discussion.  It must suck to wake up everyday knowing the world (and everyone on here ) is going to kick your ass. Yep you ASSume a lot.  Now get your second grade name calling book ready.  

Edited by JimmyBT
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