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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. What he perceived to be an injustice. Yet he gives zero rebuttal to what he thinks should have happened instead nor why?????? I’ve been presented a situation like this many times. Always handled it one on one with the other individual.
  2. Borelli named neither. He whined.
  3. So it’s above board whining ??? Got it.
  4. Who did he wrestle ? Who did the other guys wrestle. Sarcastic shots about maybe not getting the correct info is childish
  5. What Kozak did was above board in response to whining.
  6. He gave no rebuttals or reasoning for why he thought it was wrong. How does he expect to get it changed without direct dialogue with the guy that did it ??? Pressuring him publicly???
  7. He obviously thinks it’s wrong so he should have a reason or not bring it up.
  8. So you agree. He’s looking for attention???
  9. Should have been done offline.
  10. So then this coach either A.) Has the time to understand it and make the comments he did OR B.) He doesn’t have the time and probably shouldn’t make the comments he did. Which do you think it is???
  11. Even the smallest staffs have 3-4 coaches. Good learning experience for one coach to be in charge of understanding those differences. Most on here do it with full time jobs.
  12. Then that’s the coaches problem not flos
  13. What real impact does the Flo ranking have on his team ?? Seems like someone needs some attention
  14. I know there’s a saying that any publicity is good publicity but this coach might want to stay off social media with his personal opinions.
  15. Yep it’s crazy the flexibility and athleticism that even the big boys have nowadays.
  16. Back in the day most dudes couldn’t do the splits. Now they’re all like hockey goalies and can slip that back leg to the floor. Make the mats bigger.
  17. Please tell me which one. Either way I’m right and you should probably put down your kool aid. He. Ducked. Him.
  18. Maybe it’s because he ducked Buchanan
  19. Awe shi$ that’s funny right there. I don’t care who ya are
  20. But California does regulate designated defection zones
  21. Go to California. Plenty of shit in the streets
  22. I got it all right. Brother.
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