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Ohio Elite

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Everything posted by Ohio Elite

  1. Pinfeldman??
  2. I seriously hope you're wrong, but you're probably right
  3. Nebraska football roster has him listed at 6'4 330lbs. That's a big boy!
  4. The SEC conference also added wrestling programs starting tomorrow. News just broke.
  5. I wanna see the cooter!!
  6. 1 in 45 billion
  7. My money's on Meyer for sure.
  8. Boom Shocka Locka!!
  9. Would love to see the 2 new Heavyweights go at it!
  10. What happens when Pyles runs into Ferrari?
  11. We need more top poppin. No man boobs tho
  12. Yeah he sounded like an idiot. Dude lives in his own world.
  13. So true!
  14. The wild wild west of the NIL Era. Hopefully in a few years we can look back at laugh at this stuff. Obviously more structure is needed.
  15. Looks like it was the other way around.
  16. A Vax from 2 different companies, and no.
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