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Junior Varsity

Junior Varsity (4/14)

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  1. I pick that as well
  2. Picks? Live thread
  3. They say we are in the mirror 1000 times a day.
  4. I better not ever hear one of you knuckleheads talk bad about flo ever again jk
  5. O'Toole locks up a cradle... Do you believe in miracles
  6. If I see that beer commercial one more time I'm going to lose my mind
  7. WTH was that???
  8. It's it free? I was looking as well but It looked love you have to have a subscription.
  9. Is this dual on flo?
  10. Good insight. I think Elam finally makes it to the podium, but Schultz is a monster and I think Elam falls short on this one.
  11. Is there a battle brewing between Harman and Hawks? I want to poll and see who everyone thinks the starter will be.
  12. 133- Byrd vs Brown/ Seltzer 141- Hart, Kal Miller 149- Mauller, Demas, Pulliam 184- Harman, whiting,Hawks So many good matchups
  13. 133- Byrd vs Brown/ Seltzer 141- Hart, Kal Miller 149- Mauller, Demas, Pulliam 184- Harman, whiting,Hawks So many good matchups
  14. That's awesome. What belt are you? I love BJJ
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