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  1. Blaze doesn't score enough to see him living up to the hype
  2. Greco at high level is damn tough to beat I watched one match this year. The bulgerian middleweight for gold was absolutely electric. More exciting then most freestyle matches How much is the fact that us greco sucks and is boring so we aren't exposed to elite aesthetic greco ? I watched that one match and said WTH is wrong with people hating on greco That bulgerian middleweight is athletic and spry too not just some guy shoving his body weight. Insane hips
  3. How can we do better to attract Russians to wrestle for USA ? That's the question USA should be asking.
  4. Is this the first worlds an American didn't get screwed over by a questionable or flat out wrong call ?
  5. Thought this was a well officiated olympics. Name me one horrific call. Usually there is beyond multiple and is one of the takeaway storylines. Not this year. The review guy actually was quite decisive and his scoring always added up
  6. Two of the strongest biggest gas tank most dominant and best collegiate wrestlers ever in Metcalf and zain couldn't break through internationally at 65 Now how are we gonna fair with guys not in that class. Zain was a horse. No more horses to take overseas.
  7. I promise you anyone at nittany lion would say messenbrink isn't even in nolfs class who have seen them wrestle. You can bookmark this - messenbrink won't be shit at the senior level. Again...tons of cadets and juniors. Not translating.
  8. Messenbrink was handled by carr. Wasn't close. If you look at who controlled the match it's obvious. Embarrassed at world team trials the match vs JB was the worst performance at trials He's just overrated and I said it before NCAAs and I think was proven correct Micah would of excelled at free. Great great leg attacker. Both just get big brothered vs the elites.
  9. As much cross training between countries and Russians who have migrated here . You would think we would all be on a level playing field technique wise. We need to bribe a Japanese coach with money.
  10. The mens improvement seems as rapid as any country. When Japan came to USA for world cup they had 2 guys of consequence that I can recall. Now they are deep. The coaching and improvement in Japan just far exceed what we have going on here. Take a look at this.....Japan developed technique never thought of by USA coaching geniuses
  11. Nope. 6 weights. 4/6 lost matches we were favored in. So we went under expectations 70 percent of time. Then when everyone makes a huge deal about the Olympics once every four years. About how it is so much more important then worlds ...it matters more. Failing expectations means more. So I actually thought dake lost to the takatani that was pretty marginal and Burroughs best soundly multiple times. after knowing it's his brother and his track record it's not as bad. But dake still was a betting favorite and the manner in which he lost via technical preparation and coaching was worse. And the match wasn't super close. . No matter the metric. USA failed. In THE OLYMPICS which means 100x more to wrestling fans.
  12. Nope not even close. Had better international feel. Knew how to move contort his body out of brooks 2 and knew how to score on brooks in an international position while brooks was doing folk. Proved big muscle guys still can have that slick feel to em. Nickal could of helped brooks.
  13. Only "physical" advantage Russians have is balance .... And quick twitch muscle fibers. Their muscles are trained for each position ...not through weights. They break down each biometric muscle pattern used in wrestling ....understand the most efficient movement and through wrestling develop those reactions and thus the muscles needed to do it better. it's wrestling function. Pure strength is completely useless on its own. That balance and instinctual twitch to move through a position is basically their advantage. I call it international feel. Bo nickal had an international style. How many Americans will give you a leg ? Would of liked to see nickal develop.
  14. Carr doesn't dominate quite to the extent nolf and others before him did in college imo. Even zain. Steiber. Unprecedented run of 4 time champs recently and 3 timers. And look at them in the senior level. Our guys just don't jump levels at the senior level. Meanwhile just read kiyooka was like 8th at u23. We flatline or get worse. Other countries get better.
  15. Nolf is one of the last of the Mohicans ...like nolf alot. Dake I think will wrestle 28 if I had to bet But after nolf. Those replacements look a lot worse. Yianni was supposed to be the next great one. Didn't happen. You have to go to a guy like a David carr. Just not on the level of a nolf. All the great cadets we thought we had just not elite enough. Truly just witnessed a golden age of USA wrestling. Back to being a bottom dweller
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