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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Palacio might not be the better wrestler but he roasted tf out of Bo in that Twitter beef haha
  2. Lame for Welsh to go to PSU. What the actual f. No more parity in this sport.
  3. I sure hope it wasn't Bader interviewing him...
  4. This was really the move for Ohio State, but they missed the window. I don't blame them as Tom Ryan is doing well. It's hard to predict if DT would take the program to another level. I don't see DT bouncing from Okie State.
  5. This is a dumb comparison. Hamiti is tall and lean. KOT is taller than Haines and way less muscular. Haines is a couple inches shorter but jacked.
  6. Agreed, always an awesome attitude. Wish he would've opened up more, feel like he left some potential on the mat.
  7. That is a coincidence and doesn't have anything to do with pokemon
  8. Yeah I'm sure what they need is a 26 year old who's still obsessed with Pokemon and childhood cartoons and throws his medals in the trash when he loses
  9. You're way too focused on back acne, plenty of steroid users do not have back acne. Cystic acne on the face suddenly appearing is also a sign.
  10. Oh I guarantee the guy was using lol, my point was just that everyone is freaking out on Shapiro calling him a POS and sore loser for his little comment (without throwing out any names) yet Bo Nickal has done the exact same thing.
  11. Andy Hrovat on Twitter: "College athletes I'm pretty sure are only tested for street drugs" also goes on to say that he only knows of 1 wrestler in the past 30 years who has failed any test at NCAAs and it was for pot. "it's pretty fishy". Too many wrestlers are confirming that their teammates have used in the past and were never even tested. IF testing occurred, they were notified prior and somebody clean would piss. When so many high level guys such a Hrovat are calling it out, it's gotta be true. No reason to jump down Shapiro's throat for actually having the balls to say it.
  12. True, but this was way before Nickal wrestled him. He took his ban and was clean enough to pass his tests while Nickal and co wrestled him.
  13. Whatcha mean by USAW had the right idea?
  14. good thing you're here to defend these poor helpless children against the baseless claims that are going to forever ruin their reputation
  15. hmmmm why is everyone jumping to the defense of Kasak then?? why do they think he is the one that needs to be defended against Shapiro's comments?
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