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Posts posted by Husker_Du

  1. 53 minutes ago, Le duke said:

    Because you insist on continually opening your trap and acting like the fool we know you to be:

    1) The overall FD budget increased.
    2) Eminent domain cases take a long time. Look those words up.
    3) There are a half dozen other reservoirs that supply water to this area. Those reservoirs are above their historical averages. Overall supply was not an issue. Local pressure at hydrants was the problem. But, this is well beyond your ability to comprehend, so I’ll move on.
    4) CAL FIRE’s budget has grown every year since 2019. From $2.5 billion, with 7,100 personnel to $4.2 billion and 12,511 personnel in 2024-2025.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    deflect, deflect, deflect

    you gotta be a full scale cuck to make excuses for the government the way you do.

    let's just throw our hands up. nothing could have been done (despite the trillions californians pay in taxes)

    you're a loser. 

    • Bob 1
  2. On 1/14/2025 at 1:21 PM, Le duke said:

    If you turn on all of the fire hydrants, some of them aren't going to have water. Over a large enough network, with enough open valves, no matter how much water you have feeding it, you will run out of pressure. The end. Turns out, when you have fire spread out over an area that large, you meet those conditions. You can do the same thing with your household irrigation system, at a much smaller scale. 

    Now, if you're suggesting that the civil engineering standards should be updated to meet newer threats and resultant requirements, sure, I'd agree with you. But the water delivery system is not "bad"; it's built to a known standard that is, for lack of a better term, outdated. But that's still the standard.

    lol. does the government own you or something?


    1) cut 17m in funding

    2) didn't use 7b allotted for improvements

    3) didn't have the reservoir filled

    4) cut forest management

    and you're dying on the hill that 'stuff happens and nothing could have been done better and there's no one to blame'

    keep going. this is incredible. 

    • Bob 2
  3. 20 hours ago, WrestlingRasta said:

     Being that you run a website that puts out news…you really, really, should check into things before posting dog *I poop my pants, don't laugh at me*.  Pretty sure we’ve talked about this before.  

    yes, we have talked about this before. when i post on a message board about non-wrestling things i'm not reporting, genius.

    i'm sharing what i see. my apologies if it turns out there is more to the story that i was unaware of. pretty sure you know that my purpose was not to mislead. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Le duke said:


    If I open all of the fire hydrants in your neighborhood, some of them are going to have no water; pressure is not unlimited. Is this a new concept to you? Also, a firehose aimed at a large scale wildfire is like pissing on a bonfire. It's not going to stop anything. 

    As a person new to the mountain west, you have a lot of learning to do about fires, root causes and human responses. 

    oh ffs. you realize they still, at this very moment, need to fight the fires, right?

    they could use more effin water. wtf are you missing?

    is this a new concept for you, you pompous prick?

    Me: they need water solutions

    LeDuke: you have a lot to learn about wildfires 🤪

    you don't have to be a fuggin Park Ranger to know THEY CURRENTLY NEED WATER

    whether that water comes from the reservoir they allocated 7b for and never built, or from pump tanks on the beach that they have to yet employ or from the existing system in which they can't adequately pump 'up hill'.

    the bottom line is it's not ideal, there has been clear failures and yet for some reason you want to sit here and throw up your hands as if there aren't very obvious solutions to at least help the present situation.

    but no, sit here and tell me i have a lot to learn while you make excuses because you clearly don't have the remedial logic to actually address the topic.


    • Bob 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Tripnsweep said:

    Lack of preparedness for something like this. Generally with disasters, you plan for the worst, and I don't think anyone anticipated this as being something that could happen.

    which is precisely what i've been saying (and why i posted the cut in funding).

    but you went the douche route and tried to slip in a zinger. 

  6. @Le duke they had no water!

    the fire hydrants had no water. idk what you're missing about this. it was a lack of planning and infrastructure. they literally passed a bill allocating billions to address it and then never acted on it.

    beyond that, it gets even worse with the response.  there's literally an ocean of water. no pump trucks to protect the beachfront homes?

    incompetence all around. 

  7. 14 hours ago, mspart said:

    This has what to do with fighting the CA fires going on right now?   Absolutely nothing.   But it has been a go to for RV for years.   It holds no water just like the new CA reservoirs do not hold water because they have not been built although allocated.   I think you just like to hear yourself type.



    this precisely why Red Viking is a waste of space on this board.

    every single post is 'yeah, but the other side'. 

    absolutely nothing on topic, nothing specific and nothing of importance. 

    • Bob 2
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