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Posts posted by Husker_Du

  1. 50 minutes ago, RockLobster said:

    That sounds like at least two different questions.

    And, no, we're not moving on from either of them until our evidence guides us there.


    evidence like we should get 3 boosters or evidence like the border is secure?

    evidence like fiery but mostly peaceful or evidence like the steele dossier?

    evidence like hunter's fake laptop or evidence like wuhan?

    the left admin could piss in your ear and you'd allow yourself to think it's raining.

    you're precisely the type of shallow thinker that propaganda preys upon.

    bless your soul, you useful idiot. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, Hammerlock3 said:

    The Shield is on hulu and disney plus, its old but i find most haven't seen it.

    Shogun was excellent, you have to handle subtitles, but the subtitles are actually part of the plot because the main guy, who is great, has an interpreter.


    loved the shield back in the day, but never finished it. good call. 

  3. did you guys watch that super short series that shane gillis did about the tire shop?

    i'm gonna be honest, i'm the most unaware person when it comes to pop culture and i had no idea who shane gillis was. (i still don't, actually, but i heard there was controversy.)

    anyway, it was ok

  4. tis the dog days of summer.

    Hammer's thread got me thinkin - what should i be watching with less wrestling going on?

    I watched Marco Polo on Netflix recently and thought it was really solid.

    any other series you guys would recommend rn? 

  5. 1 hour ago, VakAttack said:

    Again we're acting as if this opinion is a fact based off a $15 donation.  We don't know anything yet other than two specific facts:  he donated $15 one time 3 years ago, and he later registered as a Republican.

    wtf is your point?

    that he was a huge Trump fan?

    that because he was registered as a REP it's less heinous? 

  6. 7 hours ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Well, Paul started a thread about Trump being shot, RL suggested it may have been a set up from the Trump team, a couple people seemed to think the shooter being dead squashes that idea, I personally believe it doesn’t squash that idea (while stating I don’t necessarily believe in that idea), offmatt needed a clarification and Trump had something to say about being shot at. 

    Miss anything? 

    yeah. i read it.

    still doesn't explain the stupidity. 

    • Bob 1
  7. 6 hours ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    I remember someone just the other day talking to someone else about needing to bring more substance and less name calling to their posting. I laughed then when I read it. 

    Any idea who that was???

    it was me!

    and i did think of it before hitting send. i just didn't gaf because he posts stupid stuff non stop and that particular take was appalling. 

  8. 1 hour ago, VakAttack said:

    The constant need to immediately jump to conspiracies is one of many things leading to the downfall of this country, and more specifically the political discourse.  The Reverse Occam's Razor.

    there's only two options

    1) it was coordinated and the feds were in on it

    2) it was incompetence beyond comprehension (under mayorkis, btw)

    • Bob 1
  9. i applaud your effort.

    no one wants the place to be a silo of agreeable ideas. 

    but everyone should ask themselves 'does what i'm about to post further the conversation or rather get into a personal pissing contest'? 

    and by everyone, i mean me too. i have to remind myself of that often.

    • Bob 2
    • Brain 1
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