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Husker_Du last won the day on January 2

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  1. WKN, you're going thru a lot mental gymnastics to defend utterly idiotic, nonsensical democrats who voted (several times) in an insane manner. the only thing you're right on is that there is, in fact, laws already on the books and every time they were broken or unenforced it was by a democrat admin, official or organization. if Virginia Tech is out of compliance and has too many Men's athletes compared to Women, they don't receive federal or state aid. but cities and states that break federal law suffer no penalties. withhold government funding for breaking immigration laws and watch how quickly these virtue signaling pigs fall in line.
  2. this could be very good. or a horrendously bad idea. let's roll the dice. i don't much believe in this one but i just saw it and it's as good a place to start as any, i guess. (additionally, please tell me this is a doctored pic if it is indeed the case. i'm just getting the convo started, not vetting everything)
  3. i don't have Tik Tok and really don't know much about the controversy. that being said, i'm a bit confused. i thought the R's hated China and the D's thought that it was overblown. comments in this thread suggest otherwise. (which is, frankly, refreshing)
  4. Kaleb was going to start and then got hurt early on. it sounded like he was most likely out for the season with a prayer for him to come back late. haven't checked in on the situation in a while though.
  5. um, i was referring to the PLO. now tell us what their mission is.
  6. deflect, deflect, deflect you gotta be a full scale cuck to make excuses for the government the way you do. let's just throw our hands up. nothing could have been done (despite the trillions californians pay in taxes) you're a loser.
  7. you have both the historical foundation and energy of a second year undergrad.
  8. lol. does the government own you or something? they 1) cut 17m in funding 2) didn't use 7b allotted for improvements 3) didn't have the reservoir filled 4) cut forest management and you're dying on the hill that 'stuff happens and nothing could have been done better and there's no one to blame' keep going. this is incredible.
  9. UB - who, officially, represents Palestine. what organization? and what is their stated mission? this isn't difficult.
  10. yes, so by all means, let them be. lmfao.
  11. there it is. the dumbest comment in the history of the internet.
  12. lmfao. you're such a Palestinian stan. as if you should NOT eliminate a terrorist org.
  13. lol. jack smith wrote a report. welp, i guess that settles it then. haha.
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