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Husker_Du last won the day on February 21

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  1. everyone is is pissed!
  2. True 2nds at HWT, 125 and 133
  3. i alluded to this on a few shows but didn't get specific as i didn't feel it was my place. tom said what he had to say to protect gabe.
  4. PCN was just the finals, wasn't it?
  5. he literally said the exact words when they were pressing him in the cabinet hearing.
  6. the problem is, he always said he wants safe, effective, tested vaccines. but people hear what they want to hear.
  7. exactly, ionel. the markets are falling b/c the margins are going to be tighter. the billionaires and bankers and wall street will have it tougher. isnt' that what the left always preaches for?
  8. i don't want to believe anything. it's irrelevant. but that's a quintessential democrat position.
  9. lolololololololol. you can't be serious. do you understand (you don't) how bad of a take this is? it's absolutely mind numbing how the party that wants higher wages and unions also is concerned about prices. how far is the democratic party from folding their arms and stomping their feet in demand that americans shouldn't have to work and get everything for free?
  10. it's really interesting b/c Lopes would have to win the whole thing too.
  11. Trip, i think you should stop watching/reading MSM. go camping or something.
  12. i mustve talked about it on multiple shows but for the life of my i don't recall what my stance was lol. i absolutely hate defaulting multiple times in tournaments. obviously Carter gutted it out and won his fourth by 9 outta 10 times if you aren't healthy enough at conferences, you're not going to be ready by NCAA's (suriano/eierman/schlatter/caldwell). that being said, getting in while forfeiting and the seed you get aren't exactly the same thing. idk how the hell they came up with '9' for god's sake. he had wins over Kennedy, Welsh, and Wittlake and his 'losses'(forfeits) were to Sparks and Baumann. he was seeded behind (2) Cade Devos, zero time AA (5) Phil Conigliaro who lost twice to Benny freakin Baker, zero time AA (8) Adam Kemp who lost to Coniglario, (6) FR Rocco Welsh, who he beat in a dual. idk. i wouldn't think he could have been worse than 5/6
  13. yes, i missed Carter last year. the "9" lol.
  14. i talked to the staff. they said a position of some sort will be offered to him but he's fiance is close to graduating from law school so he might move depending on what she does.
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