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Husker_Du last won the day on November 8

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  1. jfc. wake up.
  2. you don't have the first clue what you're talking about.
  3. you'd argue the sky wasn't blue if someone on the right said it was. you're a cliche. how 'bout we just set up a thread for liberal tears and that can be your safespace so you don't clog up the rest of the board with nonsense?
  4. "We're going to attempt to curb government waste." Mouthbreathing lefties: "this is stupid."
  5. you will think whichever way the msm tells you to think, stoolie. grow up.
  6. how does this happen? in addition to gov't waste and term limits, also high on my wish list is that we stop funding NATO, WHO, World Bank, etc. it's a total grift.
  7. Matt Reiss is from the Lehigh Valley and is now an official. i don't think he ever AA'd again after winning, did he?
  8. has there been any information on VT 197 tonight. in other words, Sasso or Smith?
  9. Great stuff as always WKN. do you know the last time we were on a streak of no freshmen champs anywhere near the one we're currently on?
  10. Lobster, you know what happens when you constantly post idiotic, clearly partisan bs? you lose all credibility. no one comes close to taking you seriously. you're a drain on this board.
  11. i used to think you were intelligent. yet you're subscribing to the 2 for 1 so must be inefficient and so clearly don't know what a 'department' is. not to mention neither need the money. not to mention you're concerned about a twitter setting. clearly not very smart or authentic.
  12. the plan coming in to college was 184. agree with the circumstances you outlined.
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