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Caveira last won the day on February 12

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  1. I don’t believe you answered big brog’s question.
  2. Defo not needing federal funds to help fix then ?
  3. Biden can’t say that many words in a row and make sense. Nice try
  4. Ivermectin is bad !
  5. I thought he was going to end down democracy and end your right to vote and shut down ivf. educate me
  6. The level of gross incompetence… bordering on criminal neglect is crazy if this stuff is true. As an IT professional I can’t explain how nonsensical this is. Given Elon is a sql expert he prolly found this shyte easily. select age, count(*) from payments where payment > 0 group by age order by count(*) desc;
  7. What you think doesn’t make it real. doesn’t change the fact that Americans should neither pay for fraud nor waste.
  8. Sure. Here criminals are always totally prosecuted. Never to let go free. No cash bail? lol. Probably isn’t a thing other than your opinion.
  9. No diff. American tax payers should pay neither
  10. Maybe get a therapist if you’re not happy. I don’t know what to tell them if the survey results are accurate.
  11. They found that 2.7 trillion. Is that not cool enough for you ?
  12. I posted survey results. That claim that 12% of women whom are liberal are not happy. Asked for your thoughts. I think I also eluded to not really knowing liberal women…. Although working with some in IT.
  13. I got a better question. You say you’re rational and all. Tell me one thing the media lied about related to the Biden admin during his tenure. In your opinion.
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