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Caveira last won the day on November 23

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  1. It won’t be going anywhere brother. Don’t you worry https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTY4L9Bss/
  2. Like what about the last admin that was coked up ? I dunno. Seems like they messed up the country a little bit. It wasn’t hunter I know that. So who was it ?
  3. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gavin-newsoms-10-year-plan-end-san-francisco-homelessness-20-year-anniversary.amp
  4. It’d be like figuring out which d brought the blow into the White House. We were told it wasn’t hunter so who was doin that booger sugar if it wasn’t him?
  5. The Lefty saw the word Christian. Is what my guess is boss.
  6. You are a piece of work.
  7. Hot dogs only have mustard neon relish pickle raw onion celery salt sport peppers On a steamed sesame seed bun.
  8. Career politicians don’t know what to do with people who want to change things. What does a letter do lol 1/1024th woot
  9. You seem to be ok making accusations about the parents though.
  10. Will this stream anywhere?
  11. Hot off the press. Gavin newsome was doing doge before doge was a thing. I’m actually a little surprised they didn’t pick him over musk to lead this. You cant argue that California leads the way in efficient government spending. Can you? ^^^^ That’s youtube. It’s safe to click.
  12. While Biden screams and points his finger. Not a joke. j
  13. I’ll just leave this rigit here @Tripnsweep remember you not supporting terrorism?
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