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Caveira last won the day on August 30

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NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. I mean the Martin county sheriff is questioning how this dude knew to be where he was for this attempt … last I checked Martin county sheriff is in fact law enforcement questioning how this happened no? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTFYjXer1/
  2. Sixteen of the last 19 United States presidents played golf. Former President Donald Trump, of course, is well-known as an avid golfer and current President Joe Biden plays the game, too. The list goes back to William Howard Taft, who was president from 1909 to 1913. According to the Washington Post, biden plays enough golf to claim he can beat Trump doesn’t he? Even in his vegetative state.
  3. Interesting listen…. Dan binging on how did the suspect know to be there if this was not a planned golf outing. Suspecting a mole in secret service https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTFYY3Fcr/
  4. He seems to be “yelling” more when he speaks in public now too…..
  5. I mean pa fans sort of have a long standing precedence of being bad / nasty fans …… no? I mean Phillies / eagles are #1/2 respectively on this list and psu is #7 https://www.gq.com/gallery/worst-sports-fans-in-america Psu blurb: Behold: a group of fans so vile that the university had to adopt a resolution denouncing "negative cheering" all the way back in 2000. Loophole: They didn't tell the kids not to throw stuff! Thus students from the Princeton Review's 2010 top party school have pelted visiting players and band members with snowballs, mud balls, and bottles of urine. Lacking projectiles during the 2008 riots that followed a win over Ohio State, Penn fans uprooted small trees to hurl at police. And let's not forget the notorious 2007 incident in which a crowd of onlookers cheered as a student chased down two OSU fans and threw a full can of beer at their heads. Video of that assault was proudly posted on YouTube, tagged as "comedy." Note: maybe Cstar got his pizz for the graves from the bottles of urine in the article. And this is gq magazine not some trashy publication. Their view of a comedy seems misplaced. a Posting about the game: https://tidefans.com/forums/threads/behavior-of-fans-after-penn-osu-game-was-embarrassing-for-the-ncaa.64849/. I found a link to the vid but YouTube took it down because of the violence
  6. Canada is crazy. What about England? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTFYeMRfQ/
  7. I mean this is obvious. Imo He is bulking up to 197 to face that other guy he photoshopped an adult toy into a pic while calling him out….. or grave pizzing. what do you think cael thinks about his behavior? #StayClassy.
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