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  1. Give it a bit more time. The culture in Iowa is on a downward spiral. A leadership change is the only thing that will shift it back up
  2. Outstanding synopses. They lost loyalty and the best version of their athletes when they hold them to a higher standard than themselves. The mindset of if you dont perform, we will replace you. They need to hold that standard to themselves. If trends continue, they will be out of the top 5 annually. I think they will get 5th again. UNI and Iowa State are better options if you want to be a National champion. The hawkeyes are wrestling so tight and stressed and fear failing more than wrestling free and scoring points.
  3. Woods (4th) and Eireman (DNP) placed lower their last year.
  4. The coaching staff needs to be revamped. They hold a standard for their wrestlers but not themselves. Instead of developing, they get frustrated at their guys and go buy a replacement. They need to hold that standard to themselves.
  5. Is it as painful as watching half the Hawkeye team not get takedowns?
  6. Somebody should go if they continue to underperform at conference and ncaas. NIL only works for 1 year guys in Iowa. If they are there longer, they go backwards
  7. Penn state with 7 champs. Iowa takes third again behind Nebraska
  8. They knew those guys were out prior to the season starting. They bought some talent to replace. As the season progresses, teams make adjustments pertaining to injuries and performance. At the end of the day, Iowa had a second place team in the room. They opted not to run that team out. It could happen again. So does the individual matter more than the team placement to donors/coaches?
  9. Last year, they kept the shirt on Arnold and it quite possibly was the factor in the 5th place finish. If Arnold wrestles, they take second. Do the donors/coaches care about the individual more than team placement? It could happen again this year with keeping Ferrari sidelined. The Hawkeyes are vulnerable at 125, 141, 157, 174, 184 and HWT, At best, they get two AA from those weight. At worst, if they perform like they normally do at NCAA's, none. OK state, NEB and Cornell could easily place ahead.
  10. That doesn’t mean anything. Your wife is that and she’s 190
  11. Is Ono too big to hold 125 consistently?
  12. Nelson Brands wrestled Carter closer than Ferrari. That score was actually 2-1. After the match, no one was anointing Nelson National champ potential.
  13. 125: Flynn Dec. Cruz 3-0 Minn 133: Ayala Dec. Wells 3-3 141: Vombaur Mdec Schriever 7-3 Minn 149: Parco Mdec Roberts 7-7 157: Teemer Dec Askey 10-7 Iowa 165: Sparks Dec Caliendo 10-10. Sparks was very close at the last match. He has been wrestling well the last month 174: Kennedy Dec. Whiting 13-10 Iowa 184: McEnelly Mdec. Arnold 14-13 Minn 197: Buchanon Mdec. Salazar 17-14 Iowa 285: Steveson Tech. Kueter 19-17 Minn
  14. He has his nose in their jock straps pretty deep with all the Iowa talk.
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