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State Placer

State Placer (7/14)

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  1. Thunder are having a good year, but if you think any other year thunder fans are just as passionate as browns fans you’re high
  2. I’ve also had people tell me Michigan football fans and SEC fans are the worst fans ever….. everyone has opinions
  3. Over rated in your opinion. Ohio state fans in general are great and passionate. Cleveland has three professional teams and you won’t find many more passionate fans like browns fans with how bad they’ve been for how long.
  4. No natural disasters, jobs, Midwest culture, great sports fans, etc….. not sure why you’re hating on Ohio
  5. So Ryan wants him to RS and he doesn’t so he’s transferring? I feel like it’s make him better and the team better to RS if they have Kharchla available even though he is the returning runner up.
  6. This is rough to watch
  7. Gallagher with the TF
  8. Thanks…. How bad is the D’Emilio injury, hopefully the Kharchla injury is just recovering from last year if they want to RS welsh
  9. I’ve been out of the loop lately….. what’s going on with Dylan, Ryder, and Carson still recovering?
  10. Lance Palmer. No, he got 4th, 8th, 4th, and runner up.
  11. It’s a Perrysburg hat, where he goes to high school
  12. Is it going to be Kolin Moore is the RTC coach, even though Kolin put that out already?
  13. Wonder who and how many wrestlers hit the portal, or if this was expected
  14. he making the switch to Rutgers?
  15. Mendez looked healthy this year unlike last year when he looked sucked down at 33. Yes, Hepner needs work, he seems to have an andonian style but gets caught often. I understand about Sasso but would be nice to see him.
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