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flyingcement last won the day on January 11

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  • I love Bob Dole

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  1. 15-10 with two to go
  2. I guess that's some sort of compromise... three team points on the board however
  3. When you're flat - you're flat!
  4. Singleton gets active early. Wolak tries big moves late, but Singleton wisely disengages and wins by a major decision. 12-4 VT
  5. Mac Church with a minor upset over Derek Fields in OT. 12-0 VT and they are at home
  6. Hipolito get two back points with a suckback in the second, and an escape in the third. this is enough to take down Ed Scott who earned an escape in the second and a stall point against Hipolito. 9-0 VT
  7. Buesgens keeps it to a decision. 6-0 for the Hokies as we head into Scott vs Hipolito. May see a couple fireworks
  8. Latona over Hohman for a 7-0 decision. Now onto 149 with Buesgens vs Henson.
  9. Jon Kozak is a saint and can have my spot if he wishes (but I do want to play!)
  10. Stiles has been incredible this year.
  11. From a ranking standpoint now, I think it would go 1. Alirez 2. Bartlett 3. Mendez
  12. ginge-off
  13. Teemer is so good at playing possum, conserving energy, and pouncing at the right time
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