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  1. If Obama is going the ncaa bb tournament and we are paying for it, then yes, I'm not for that either. Let him pay for it. Believe me, I'm not in tantrum state. And I'll give my "Scouts Honor" on that.
  2. I don't care what public events he goes to if he does it on his own dime. The guys a billionaire. Didn't see him in KC last year. Think he'd be at nats this year if he had to pay for it l Iike any other citizen? Your ignoring the point of the post, but that is common when your wearing blinders. He claims to be "cutting the fat" out of govt and has no problem spending that money on opportunities to stroke his ego. I guess that 1% majority was happy to see him. Most college aged kids could care less. I'm fiscally conservative and would have felt the same, regardless of who the POTUS was. I don't make unnecessary trips or attend events if I'm in debt. But then again, "There's rules for thee, then there's rules for me." He's just special, just ask him.
  3. So what did the POTUS cost, me the tax payer, for this "see me, see me" moment last night? For a guy that's so concerned about reducing waste in govt spending, he sure doesn't have any problem spending my dime to use AirForce 1 and all the cost of for the security to have his "narcissist" spot light. I thought for a second the channel switched to FOX news.
  4. I was thinking the same thing.
  5. Hold that thought! Guess we will check back in two years and see how all those new recruits, plus Sinclair, can do in pursuit of that trophy. In the meantime, Okie State will continue to bring in top talent and draw top elite wrestlers to their RTC. Iowa State and Northern Iowa will continue to be in the picture chasing for that 2nd place trophy. MU could be in that race, and then maybe not. Call me a fickle fan, but I do know the dynamics of successful coaching.
  6. OK, now you got me singing and hummin this song. "Go back Jack do it again!" Was a great back seat song. Fond memories in a fading mind.
  7. A valid assessment. We knew this would be a down year, especially so with the injuries, but it's even worse than expected. I'd like to see what he can do with the new crop of kids in the next couple of years. If we keep seeing stagnation or regression, then he needs to hang it up. I'm just not sure who you are going to get at head coach who can do better than Smith. We're not going to pay a million dollar salary, and we don't have the NIL money behind us like the top programs. At my house, we throw out the milk when it's spoiled, not pour it in with the new milk. Smith has a decent group of recruits coming in, but that is no guarantee of a positive turn in this program unless something improves in the coaching/development of the athletes, and the pshyce in the room. I really think this program needs a new direction, coach and staff. I can't see MU shelling out money to get a big hire like the blue blood/wrestling rich culture states. MU is a SEC school in major sports with a wrestling "step child!" Brian Smith has the longest tenure of any of the current MU coaches. They would never fire him, but no guarantee, or promises about he future. I've worried about this from the day MU joined the SEC. I live in an "arm pit" state that might as well be north Arkansas. Missouri is more southern cultured than Midwest these days. The B10 was my ultimate selfish hope, but damn, those intelligent, cultured states didn't want us. Oh well. I can't see an Askren moving back to Columbia, Mo. No doubt, Ben or Max would be great candidates for replacing Brian, but why would they want to? They are financially set with their wrestling academies, own bosses, and seam happy with their current state of life. The only reason they might do it would be for the challenge, but I don't see it. They could take that challenge closer to home at Wisconsin. In the back of my head I wondered if Clemson would return, but after working his ass off trying to make Maryland relevant again, I can't see it. Personally, I don't think people know how much positive influence he had on MU wrestling. That and the Mike Eireman connection to several of the former Tigers. That's a whole different discussion for another day. Sorry if I seem so negative, but I earned all my white hair and consider myself to be a pragmatist.
  8. About the only positive to what has been a total "train wreck" outcome for Mizzou at B12s. My how fast this program has sunk to new lows. Anyone that has read my rants about the current state of the Tigers, are aware that I feel Brian Smith and staff have lost "their juice" and wrestlers just seems to regress under this current tutelage. Yes, they have had injuries, but there is more to it then that. I have my own thoughts that I will share in a future post. The collapse and shortcomings at Nats last year, and then this embarrassing showing at B12s is a sad indication that the "ship has sunk" and it's time for a new captain. How's that decision to start Hawks over Whiting last year working out? Josh Edmonds lack of adjustment and progress over his college career is an indictment on this coaching staff. Both Edmonds and Hawks were blood round last year. Thank you Brian Smith for resurrecting the Tiger program to a lofty enough position to be mentioned in the same breath as wrestling royalty programs. Those legacy programs have moved on, made adjustments to coaches, facilities, etc..., if you really care about your legacy and the future of this program, step aside and open the door for a new "spark plug", like you were 28 yrs ago. Any of us that have been "old coaches" know that day comes when it's time to hang the whistle on the nail. Hang too long and your legacy just becomes tarnished, and the topic of "good ole days" conversation when old wrestlers and coaches get together for beers. Been there done that!
  9. Oh, I definitely know the Scott Barker story. Kid was a stud, but certainly had some self control issues. Kid was street fighter tough but not a team player.
  10. Transferring? As a former coach, I can only say I'd avoid this kid like the plague. Talk about someone that would compromise your program? Me, me, me, I, I, I. Kinda sounds like someone else constantly in the news these days.
  11. Your handle is very appropriate. Deep!
  12. Just seeing this very sad news. I always looked forward to seeing the Jombo post. Being right next door in Missouri, with much respect for the Illini, I was always entertained with Greg's passionate posts. Going to be a big void on the forum.
  13. Attractive? I guess each has their idea about what features they consider attractive. Also depends on where you have your eyes fixed. I'll leave it at that.
  14. That was before both Iowa and Okie State started "bankrolling" their lineups with mercenaries. Now we just sit back and find out who gets the best bang for their bucks. I'm not against athletes getting something for their years of dedication/training. When I was in school, we called it an education. I'm just disgusted what NIL has done widening the disparity of programs based on who can buy the best talent. More money also means better facilities, regional training centers, etc... I want to warn you ahead of time, when I hit that billion dollar Mega Powerball jack pot, Mizzou is going to suddenly be in the relevant conversation with the "Royal Rich!"
  15. Yip, a head scratcher for sure. I don't expect to see Hawks or Edmond AA this year. Not till they change their match strategy and just let it fly. Call it the "David Taylor" approach to wrestling. Guess that strategy is getting tested tonight vs Iowa.
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