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College Redshirt

College Redshirt (9/14)

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  1. Was fun as always! Thanks for the time and effort managing this.
  2. Interesting, thanks for correcting me!
  3. They changed it last year. Iowa state did not get a team trophy last year for finishing 4th. Unless they changed it again only the top 3 get team trophies now.
  4. 4th place doesn't get you on the podium anymore. 2 years in a row without a team plaque for the hawks now
  5. Wyatt Hendrickson boys and girls...
  6. That was the least egregious of Ayala's stalling but still got the make up call lol right guy won
  7. Everything about that match was frustrating. That official should be embarrassed
  8. Arnold will end up as odd man out like Nelson brands was this year
  9. Kasak should be dq'd for stalling at this point. This ref sucks
  10. Kasak with the ultimate stall ride. Ref doesn't seem to mind
  11. Lost 8 to 5 to fugitt
  12. Penn state clinches it
  13. 125: Robinson 133: Byrd 141: hardy 149: Lovett 157: blaze 165: messenbrink 174: hamiti 184: Keck 197: barr 285: Hendrickson All in on my guys let's go!!!
  14. Keck vs mcenelly was the best match of that round tonight imo.
  15. No semis round will top the atmosphere of zeke moisey abusing Thomas Gilman and ultimately pinning him. That was the most alive I've ever seen an arena regardless of round.
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