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Jim L

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  1. Not trying to sh*t on them, just countering your point that they were 5th despite only had two meets, plus showing off my top notch math skills. 1,940 for a meet does not seem terrible either, especially compared to some of the other "big-time" programs
  2. As someone who has done some complaining about the process, it is ironic that this is the only recruiting process I have ever followed as I don't really pay attention to HS wrestling.
  3. Considering they are ranked by average only having two meets helps their ranking. If my math is right the non-PSU meet had 1,940 fans puttig them at 17th for that ranking
  4. My memory gets a little questionable as well, but I "remember" him beating nationally ranked PA state champ while he was in 8th grade (maybe he was a FR). Either way maybe the GOAT of middle school wrestlers, the sentiment that he never met expectations as a 4X PA undefeated champ, multiple time AA in college shows that there is no worse curse than unlimited potential.
  5. Very unusual to for wrestling to get any mention in SI. HS wrestling maybe 1 or 2 times per decade. https://vault.si.com/vault/1980/03/17/hes-really-a-rugged-competitor-high-school-star-kenny-monday-came-off-the-carpet-to-mop-up-on-the-mat
  6. Well its not good. If my team is not expecting to be in serious consideration, getting on the list and dropped early just seems to re-enforce that we are nowhere to being a school that top rated wrestlers should consider.
  7. They are also getting talked about as early rejects. Not the best publicity IMO. We also talked about the handful of teams that did not even make the list
  8. Seems like a sh*tty way to bring attention to the schools that are being eliminated early. "These schools suck so much that they are eliminated quickly" Yeah, I wasn't going to ever date the prom queen, but being one of the first to be crossed off her list is a kick in the nuts that I don't need
  9. The same athletes usually win. If a lot of the field was equal and it was truly chance, you should see a wider variety of winners.
  10. Viewers who don't typically watch sports are the target audience for gymnastics (and figure skating, diving, etc) and obviously this is largely female (plus the pervs?) This is the key demographic for networks to boost their ratings as sports fans are going to be watching the Olympics anyways (and like me they will complain about how much coverage gymnastics gets).
  11. Is this AIN situation occurring is other Olympic sports?
  12. Difference was the belittling attitude he had denigrating all style besides Greco, with no experience ever wrestling any style.
  13. Mondo Duplantis is my vote for the current world's great athlete. Current World Record holder for pole vault. Not sure if it is 100% accurate, but their was a claim that he was faster running with a pole vault than any NFLer was measured during any game. The athleticism of pole vaulters is amazing and he is the best of all time. Speed power and agility Also for those who get worked up by Americans competing for other countries. he was born and raised in the US and still trains here, but has an American father and Swedish mother and has chosen to represent Sweden
  14. I was a Barry Sanders fan as well, but he was not even the starting RB on his college team until his Senior year, IIRC. Hard to believe was a pure athlete and had things come easy to him.
  15. I actually googled this because ii sounded almost real at first, after googling and rereading I feel pretty foolish
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