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Everything posted by GnarlyEar

  1. Blowhards gonna blowhard, you’re predictable responses read like a Fast and Furious script… like I said we’ll talk in person and I won’t be shy about who I am
  2. I’m a coward for calling you out and not wanting to hear anything from “my bosses” by putting my first and last name on an internet forum? Ok, I’ll eat that. You’ll see me in person and I’ll be anxious to see if you have the same hutzpah to be aggressive and curse like you are on the internet. At least I’m not a quitter, talking shit on people that are doing a job i’m unable or unwilling to do. You have to live with being less than… have a good day
  3. So when you get pressed on your words - you totally back off. You don’t actually answer the questions, and your response is that because YOU don’t know my name on this forum that you’re unwilling to have a productive conversation with me? You just want to curse and rant, ok. That’s one way to go - I’m saying all of your comments about officials are bullshit because you couldn’t even hack it as one you f***ing quitter. Now that I’ve responded in kind, you’ll see me with a whistle this summer and I’ll be sure to let you know who I am.
  4. Swing and miss… those were questions, hence the “?” But multiple times on this thread you’ve disparaged the officials, and then added in your own experience officiating. You called the US officials incompetent (again); and that US refs refuse to learn the sport. So how many of these people are there? And I believe the famous quote goes, “if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem” and it seems as though you have actively removed yourself from the solution - thus making yourself once again part of the problem.
  5. I’m still confused, so there are no good Greco Roman officials, you left officiating because you were the only good one, you think complaining on an online forum proves your opinion is more right than people who spend more time thinking about that aspect of the sport than you? I’m just so confused by you
  6. @Dogbone He (Elam) was good enough to ride him for over a minute - so that were were not subjected to more boring wrestling
  7. @Gus Sounds like Sloan had 8+ minutes to find a way to score a takedown and didn’t take enough risk to put points on the board. Why should the fans be subjected to more boring wrestling because no one wants to take risk or isn’t good enough to find a way to win?
  8. If top man has a cradle - the bottom man literally can not score any points until the cradle is broken (they can be awarded a non-controlled fall though)
  9. No they shouldn’t be changed. The choice in TB1 goes to the wrestler who scored the first offensive point. If he defers and his opponent chooses bottom and gets ridden out, that’s on him. If you want the option to “run” in TB1 then take some risk and score first in regulation (then ride your opponent out for 30 seconds after 9 minutes of wrestling).
  10. You’re missing Caitlyn Chase slotted between Gomez and Assad
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