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College Redshirt

College Redshirt (9/14)

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  1. Not a lot of stall calls. That's my only complaint with the finals. It reminded me of the Superbowl where the refs call fewer pass interferences. The OP reads like it was written by someone that didn't actually watch the finals.
  2. Agreed! He did a great job.
  3. Has anybody in the PSU world said anything nice publicly about DT since he took the OSU job? I've only seen Cael be dismissive and his athletes talk trash. It's super weird.
  4. The entire athletic department should resign if Iowa wrestling doesn't have 10 national champs. That is my expectation.
  5. "Reoccurring nightmare" is so off-base. JW is benefitting from the change of scenery. The coaching staff was bold enough to help him do just that and then helped him land somewhere too, now JW is doing well. That is a success story, not a nightmare.
  6. "I lost because I was told to lose" feels right in Bo's wheelhouse lol At the same time, when you're being paid sometimes you have to do what your bosses tell you to do even if you don't like it. Just part of being employed. Either way Bo seems to use every opportunity to whine and grandstand so you know, more power to him.
  7. Don’t they also have the highest attendance numbers like every year?
  8. Lol it does kind of feel like the junior high lunchroom, right?
  9. 8/10 PSU wrestlers are ranked #1 or #2, according to this site. I can't remember any team ever having such a stacked lineup. So yeah I'd say talent is more concentrated. OSU and Iowa combined have 9 wrestlers in the top 3, for comparison. And 5 of those are senior transfers for just this season.
  10. I didn't either until I watched the dual last night and saw that packed arena. They did it for the fans, man. Buchanan, Teemer, and Parco are ALL ranked #1/2. They got who they could get and their fans are loving it. I'm sure if they could have gotten sophomore national champs to transfer they would have.
  11. At lower levels, you just bull rush the guy down on his knees and knock him over. Or shove his head down and go around. Not sure what's done at D1 level. If it's legal AND there's no counter for it, more wrestlers would do it right?
  12. Risk a loss and no longer be able to claim “greatest 197 lber ever”? Or duck out and keep claiming that status? For a guy that likes attention probably more than anything, that has to be quite a conundrum.
  13. Lee pinned by Piccinnini was one of the most hyped moments of my sports life
  14. It would be cool to see a video mashup of Angels' questionable calls. I have no idea who the guy is but sounds like it's a thing.
  15. I came down from my pedestal to say thank you for your service.
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