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  1. Gavin Nelson will be 197 for the Gophers, McEnelly will still be 184
  2. Ferrari, McEnelly, Ryder/Barr, Welsh?, Sinclair?, Berge. And I’m sure that others will emerge. Should be a fun weight class to watch for quite some time.
  3. Had one, and he won the Olympics.
  4. So if Arnold sits against Nebraska it is a clear duck. If he sits against OkSt it is because Tommy Boy thinks Ferrari gives them the best chance to defeat the Cowboys. I can’t think of a reason for them to use Ferrari against Minnesota.
  5. Ferrari has 1 or 2 dates left (not sure if soldier salute counts). Iowa has Nebraska, Minnesota and Oklahoma State remaining on their schedule. It would make most sense to have Arnold duck Allred if TB can only use AF once more.
  6. Are you sure that it was actually Fettig and not just a mistake on trackwrestling? He then beat both Smith and Heller.
  7. But they beat Bloomsburg and Bucknell, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad. Jump around!!!
  8. With the wind right now gusting up to 40 mph out of the northwest here in Sioux Falls, it has me thinking….:..Iowa sucks!
  9. Brady Berge was not allowed to compete for SDSU after serving in a coaching capacity there (had to return to Penn State to compete). But Gavin Hoffman may be allowed to do it for Lock Haven, I’m confused, is it strictly something to do with transfer portal or did Bono not release BB?
  10. Did the Magic Man keep Uncle John on staff as the weight cut coordinator?
  11. I think a heavyweight in redshirt this year like Hopke or Mirisola stands a far greater chance of being a 4 timer than Ben Keuter.
  12. Most of the guys he listed took losses, and they weren’t all to a national champion as an 18 year old true freshman.
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