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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. I doubt Tom Brands will be under consideration for "Mr. Congeniality".
  2. Don't they weigh in daily?
  3. He is a bad mofo who waited out Aaron Brooks eligibility
  4. Tangentially I saw a nude picture of Katy Perry that reminded me of a gutted salmon for reasons I'd rather not specify.
  5. One thing is for sure: a towering intellect has never been a requirement for wrestlers!
  6. I scored more points than Lehigh or ISU!!!
  7. I tried to watch that movie, couldn't make it more than 20 minutes or so. Does it get better further into the movie?
  8. Keep an eye out for Richie Figs. NC last year, and I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't place this year.
  9. Don't have to be sharp, although I am, to know if you beat a guy twice you'll probably beat him the next time you wrestle
  10. Oh I read it and expanded on it.
  11. He looked bad in the Big 12 finals too, like a limp noodle. Got smoked in both his matches at NCAAs.
  12. He was clearly rusty after sitting out last season.
  13. Really? My experience is that almost all people bragging about how much they love Baby Jesus and how filled they are with the "holy spirit" are complete charlatans. The really devout don't have to go around proclaiming such empty platitudes, and empty they truly are.
  14. Actually Tony Nelson WAS a savant on top. He had 'em all buffaloed with that ridiculous spiral ride.
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