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NCAA Qualifier

NCAA Qualifier (11/14)

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  1. I thought you were unembaffable.
  2. Maybe just based on the top 2 guys alone, Pindrickson is just frosting on the cake.
  3. Yeah, that's how you pick'em, you pick the ones you think are going to win. Plus LIlledahl is a lower seed than Smith.
  4. What's bold about it?
  5. Yeah, Danny Braunegal beat him 10-7.
  6. Pffft. He'd just be an also-ran if John Smith was still around
  7. Thanks, I forget about the 9th place bracket.
  8. Danny Braunegal got robbed.
  9. Post your predictions. 125 LIlledahl 133 Ayala 141 Hardy 149 Lovett 157 Kasak 165 MM 174 Haines 184 Starocci 197 Buchanon HWT Steveson
  10. Tough day for the Hawkeyes, I wonder if those guys have been working too hard? Joey Cruz is out of NCAAs, I think, unless he gets some sort of at large invitation.
  11. The question is where will Nagao be wrestling next season? He'd be a huge upgrade for most teams.
  12. I'm sold. DJ Washington techfall C. Starocci.
  13. How is Bassett ranked over Knox when Knox beat Bassett?
  14. Baumgartner is a cool guy as well.
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