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  1. Its’s an interesting question. It won’t get any serious consideration here, though.
  2. Maybe if he wasn’t 19 and still in high school law enforcement would have let it slide
  3. As do threads about him and threads mocking his threads…
  4. ..and ban the tbar imposter too! Let the original exist here with his own name. He was the second best psu fan.
  5. How about banning the Jimmy imposter?
  6. I think “someone more reasonable” excludes PSU fans here
  7. Again, not the same at all. They were proven contributors and weren’t expecting to be the face of the team
  8. It’s true they were fine, but Spencer didn’t come in with a multimillion contract and a stated expectation that team revolve around him
  9. Actually, it was a general question, and asked sincerely. I’d think it might cause some resentments
  10. Is it good for team dynamics for one guy to come in already getting paid bank and designated center of attention before he’s even wrestled a match for the team?
  11. I thought so too. He waived 3 fingers and then the bird, it seemed, after 184
  12. I know that Jimmy Cinnabon was the original bc I was lurking at the old forum too. It’s lame… please stop
  13. Just wanted to say that it’s kinda weird and a little sad that someone here is so distressed by the postings of the real Jimmy Cinnabon that they would create this look alike account.
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