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D3 for LU

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Everything posted by D3 for LU

  1. Connor, wrestling up a weight, gets the TD! D3
  2. 174 Benny Baker Cornell and Connor Herceg LEHIGH. D3
  3. LEHIGH really needed that 141 bout and the Big Red took that away. Ugggghhhh! D3
  4. Major D 11-3 Ramirez... 13-5 Cornell. D3
  5. 3rd pd 7-1 Ramirez... Logan is down and he escapes. D3
  6. 2nd pd and it's 7-0 Ramirez. D3
  7. 165 Julian Ramirez Cornell and Jake Logan LEHIGH. D3
  8. Insane scramble and at the end Shapiro nabs a TD. +RT 8-2 score 9-5 Cornell. ALL THE BREAKS ARE GOING THE BIG RED's WAY. D3
  9. 4-1 after 1... Max's choice for the 3rd... and he'll take down. D3
  10. Inside trip by Shapiro... TD Locked hands... 1 to Max. D3
  11. 0-0 after1... Shapiro takes down to start the 2nd... he escapes. D3
  12. 157 Meyer Shapiro for Cornell and Max Brignola for LEHIGH. D3
  13. Those two TD's by Frenandez was the decider in this bout... 6-3 w/ Griffin's RT. Cornell now leads 6-5. Unfortunately... it's now going to get ugly for the B&W. D3
  14. Griffin takes up for the 3rd... trailing 6-2. D3
  15. 6-2 Fernandez... Griffin defers and Fernandez takes neutral. D3
  16. two TD's for Fernandez... 2 E's for Griffin. D3
  17. 149 Ethan Fernandez Cornell and Kelvin Griffin LEHIGH. D3
  18. 15 sec left... not much time for Malyke. 5-1 to Cornella. 5-3 LEHIGH... they really need that bout. D3
  19. 3-1... RT Cornella after 2... Big Red takes down to start the 3rd. E Cornella... 4-1 D3
  20. Cornella defers... Hines takes down to start the 2nd. D3
  21. Cornella is riding hard... stall against Hines. 3-0 after 1. D3
  22. Major scramble w/ Hines appearing to get the best.... no, it's Cornella getting the TD. D3
  23. 141- Vince Cornella Cornell and Malyke Hines for LEHIGH D3
  24. 2nd pd TF for Ryan Crookham 19-4... LEHIGH's up 5-0 D3
  25. E... TD... E... TD Ryan. D3
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