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D3 for LU

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Everything posted by D3 for LU

  1. And THAT was off Zain shot as well. Tough go... D3
  2. So... we're both SWELL, about the definition of SWOLE, and uh, DWELL on ZAIN'S upcoming match.! (Do tell, do tell!) D3
  3. The bronze medal matches are upon us... D3
  4. LOL. I had to look that up, and... Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more swole /swōl/ verb US dialect form of swollen or swelled (see swell). "his little foot swole and swole till his little toes stuck out" adjective INFORMAL•US extremely muscular (used especially of a man). "if you're swole you'll look good in anything" Yep... I have to agree. Zain looks swole, indeed. (He's practically one of, if not the swole-est guy in the bracket!) That's swell... uh, that's he swole, yes? But let us not dwell, that he's swole and it's swell. Zain has two more to go AND the next one IS important. On we go. D3
  5. Next one for Zain is the "bronze medal" match, albeit a big one in going up against India's Sujeet. Gotta get past him for a shot for true third and Paris. 2 down... 2 more to go. D3
  6. Wild one on Mat A... host country ahead of the Polish wrestler @ 86Kg... BUT Poland gets a TD. 8-6 Poland Home crowd disappointed. D3
  7. Expended more energy than we want, but STILL, it's just advance, babeeeeeeee! D3
  8. Kudiev gets 2 towards the end... but it's Zain w/ the "W", 5-2 D3
  9. TD in the 2nd... Zain up 5-0. D3
  10. Zain up 3-0 at the break D3
  11. Retherford came out like a cannon ball shot out... Crushed him! Good... get off the mat ASAP, you have 3 more goes at it. Conserve yourself until then. D3
  12. Yepper... Zain gotta do it FOUR TIMES! D3
  13. Yessir. (There he goes... ) D3
  14. Welp... no Lucky Charms for Chamizo! D3
  15. Schedule shows repechage bouts are first on the docket tomorrow morning. D3
  16. For all you Chamizo-philes out there... pull for Valiev to take this bout. (Maybe Frank will get his Lucky Charms back!) D3
  17. Well, we won't have to set our alarm clocks for 2:50am to watch... like today! D3
  18. It's not going to be a cakewalk for Zain... that long and winding road of repechage. D3
  19. Ochir wins 6-1... Retherford gets pulled back in repechage! D3
  20. Hmmm... will Han still be in existence a week from now? (He'll better get busy in the repechage rounds tomorrow!) D3
  21. ... maybe, let's see. (These No. Koreans usually appear out of nowhere.) D3
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