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D3 for LU

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Everything posted by D3 for LU

  1. ... and even now... again, with the news. Aaron Brooks, STILL... does not lift. And now... news for wombats! D3
  2. Ched64 sez... Sherlock Holmes would retire trying to solve this riddle but I tried my best Take that Thursday & Friday off and park yourself in front of your device(s). (I am.) D3
  3. Fo shizzle. D3
  4. ... but rest assured, the captain IS onboard! D3
  5. ... I'm concerned w/all this pinfallery going around! D3
  6. Let's be clear, here... Would that be Spud(s)... as it Spuds MacKenzie? OR Spud... as in Mr. Potato Head spud? (Inquiring minds want to know!) D3
  7. You want the truth?!? D3
  8. And Now... The News. Aaron Brooks, still, doesn't lift. D3
  9. For a 64 year old w/ 8 children (3 biological- 5 adopted), she's one hot mama... rrrrrrowr! (easy there, tiger... easy!) D3
  10. Nah... more like four to me! View the Wrestler (wrestlingstats.com) D3
  11. I seem to remember seeing a team photo at that military academy he attended... JV photo that is (nothing to see here... move along... keep it moving, please... ) D3
  12. S1300 price range includes private box seats, complementary champagne, caviar, and escargot w/ all the baguettes you can eat. (Rrrraowrrrrr!) AND free entertainment between sessions... D3
  13. So, Russia is on the boycott wagon (wrestling-wise.) Does that mean China, Iran, & North Korea can't be far behind? Hmmm... D3
  14. Help you, I can, yes... hmm hmm hmmmm. Set ups, takedowns w/pick ankles, will show you, yes will I... hmmm hmmm hmmm! D3
  15. Okay, if you say so... D3
  16. Indeed... Trumpers will trump... uh-bump, dump. D3
  17. Concerning this topic and the resulting responses... D3
  18. ... so, my guess is that the more expensive seating is the dark blue sections, and the less expensive seats are the subsequent sections after that. Could you give a guess, upon how much you paid out of your pocket, what section you may be in? (if you paid the least amount, that choice is rather evident... but what the hey, being there is half the battle, and all that counts, yes? ) D3
  19. ... well, I guess he does. D3
  20. St. Cloud... up in the air... ...Obscured by Clouds & though provoking, indeed. D3
  21. I dunno... I would think that it's still, up in the air. D3
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