Watching online over on ESPN+... signed on Intermat forums... EXCELLENT!
AND it's Thursday morning and the FIRST session is about to begin...
Who's on deck on Mats 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
Side note... happy to see Luke Stanich from Roxbury finally win his state championship.
4th X placing at states, 6-4-2-1, and heading for LEHIGH.
Good Job... higher goals ahead for this young man.
Just the idea of a bunch of EIWA placers getting paired off early in the tournament and knocking each other off doesn't sit well with me (for that fact other conferences having the same thing done to them as well.)
Keep 'em separated.
Back when I was wrestling in HS in Morris Co. NJ, we had a local newspaper sports writer who had a HS wrestling column: Never Look Up at the Ceiling. The sport writer's name was Dan Castelano. Those who wrestled around the area in the early to mid 70's may remember him well.