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D3 for LU

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Everything posted by D3 for LU

  1. The Ukrainian takes the lead 5-1 after he gets his turn in Par tere... two guts in the process. D3
  2. 1-0 Kyrgystan @ the break on Mat C... D3
  3. 1-0 Finland @ the break on Mat B... D3
  4. 87Kg repechage next... D3
  5. The Roumanian on Mat B won 7-3 w/ several arm throws, including one for 4pts. as the Tunisian goes down in defeat. D3
  6. The Hugarian TF the Mexican 9-0 in the 1st, 9-0... D3
  7. Looks like they're starting @ 67Kg repechage matches D3
  8. Repechage matches are to begin in less than 5 mins. Xavier Johnson is the last American wrestling @ 63Kg for a chance at the bronze. He'll be going up against Hryacha Poghosyan of Armenia, third bout in on Mat C D3
  9. Sooo, you're sayin': Take it. Go ahead. Make my day... ? D3
  10. The puss on #45 looks similar to Jeff Dunham's, Walter... D3
  11. Team placings haven't changed: Azerbaijan 47 followed by Iran 42 and Uzbekistan 37. We're done here... tootles! D3
  12. 60Kg medal ceremony... imho, best finals match as per amount of points put on the board. D3
  13. I'm not a greco enthusiast, but the drama is still magnificent to see. D3
  14. Upset City... Cuban Hind gets the gold! 3-3 criteria win. D3
  15. Cuban w/TD w/ a last secomd TD!!! D3
  16. Aleksayan is leading 3-1 in the second pd... D3
  17. 97Kg gold medal match... Cuba vs Armenia. Armenian wrestler Artur Aleksanyan did the cycle for the Olympic medals... Gold in Rio, Bronze in London, Silver in Tokyo. D3
  18. Iran gets the bronze w/ a 4-1 win. D3
  19. 97Kg bronze bout: 3-0 Iran at the break. D3
  20. 2nd bronze medal match... Iran vs AIN. D3
  21. Hey... oldtimers have experience! 3-1 win for the 35 yr old Czech wrestler. D3
  22. 3-1... gut wrench by the oldster Czech for par terre. D3
  23. 97Kg bronze medal bout... Lithuania 1-0 at the break over the Czech wrestler. D3
  24. 11-6 to Kyrgystan GOLD... amazingly, no points in the second. Match of the evening @ Belgrade, so far. D3
  25. FIREWORKS in the FIRST @ 60 Kg GOLD MEDAL MATCH. 11-6 Kyrgystan at the break! D3
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