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D3 for LU

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Everything posted by D3 for LU

  1. 2-0 after 2... Taylor takes neutral for the 3rd. D3
  2. Pitzer reversal... 2-0. Taylor has to work harder now. D3
  3. ZIP-ZIP after one as Pitzer was in on the legs of Taylor. Pitzer is down to start the 2nd. D3
  4. 18-3 TF for Beard ... PITT wins the dual because a tied team score will go to PITT for winning more bouts (6-4) 18-12 PITT. D3
  5. 15-3 domination by Beard... BUT YOU NEED THE FALL! 3rd. neutral... D3
  6. 9-2 Beard after 1... Stout is down for the 2nd... MICHAEL YOU NEED THE FALL!!! D3
  7. 197 Mac Stout RS frosh PITT vs Michael Beard jr LEHIGH... The B&W will need to score w/ falls. D3
  8. TD Heller... 4-1 18-7 PITT... LEHIGH not mathematically out but PITT is in good position to take the dual. D3
  9. E for Rodgers... 1-1 D3
  10. E Heller... 1-0 Heller Rodgers takes down for the 3rd. D3
  11. 0-0 after 1... Rogers got nabbed for a stall. Heller takes down to start the 2nd... D3
  12. 184 another ranked PITT wrestler in Sr Reece Heller vs frosh Caden Rodgers. D3
  13. Augustine won the match 6-2 15-7 PITT Not Good for LEHIGH... D3
  14. E by Lawrence... almost a TD... D3
  15. 2-1 PITT after 2. Lawrence is down to start the 3rd... D3
  16. PITT in on a leg but Lawrence fought it off... 0-0 after 1. PITT is down to start the second. D3
  17. 174... Luca Augustine RS soph vs Thayne Lawrence Soph LEHIGH. D3
  18. 7-1 Heller wins for PITT... 12-7 PITT D3
  19. 4-0 after 2... Logan choose neutral for the third. D3
  20. 165 Sr Holden Heller of PITT vs Jake Logan Jr LEHIGH. 3-0 Heller after one... Heller takes down... E Heller. D3
  21. LEHIGH has to take two out of 3 for the last 5 bouts... not going to be an easy do. D3
  22. 8-6 " w' for Keslar... last second TD by Frinzi closed the gap but that all he'll get. PITT gets the lead going into the break, 9-7 D3
  23. E Keslar... TD Keslar... E Frinzi. 4-1 after 2... Frinzi takes down for the 3rd. D3
  24. zip zip after 1... Keslar takes down to start the 2nd. D3
  25. 157... Jared Keslar RS frosh for PITT vs Luca Frinzi for LEHIGH... D3
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