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  1. I think he loves to wrestle so much, he just continues to compete, but if he wants to continue medaling at the world level he needs to limit his competitions at his age (and also do what many of you have stated, work to change things up a bit offensively). It's probably a bit late for him to pick up a par terre game that is effective at this level.
  2. He just got back from PWL. Lots of traveling. Wrestling high level matches. He puts himself through a grind. I'm sure he was not at his best. He does love to wrestle and he does more of it than most at that level.
  3. I believe the tech fall in folkstyle came about in the 85-86 season, my HS freshman year. I think it was already in freestyle as I remember the 12-point tech fall in middle school (this I'm not positive about, though). I also remember a one-count exposure for 2 pts in 87-88. It only lasted one year (my jr year). My HS coach taught us the cheap tilt just for that reason.
  4. It's always better on my desktop, but I rarely get on the form on my desktop. Phone is hit and miss in terms of add intensity. THB, while I am not a huge poster, I used to come on and read almost daily, but since the adds, my readership has dwindled.
  5. I agree. I would venture to say too, that the best wrestler in MMA can not beat the best wrestler. And Bo is just flexing his MMA muscles for sound bites as has already been stated.
  6. Most people who go into MMA are either not the best at their original sport or too old to be competitive in their original sport. What MMA fans don't get is the best striker in MMA can't beat the best boxer. The best grappler in MMA can beat the best wrestler... so on and so forth.
  7. It hard to beat the two best wrestling movies of all time Vision quest with the best characters: Karla, Kuch, and Shute Win Win with the best wrestling scenes and the best one liner: "Whatever the ***duck** it takes." Did enjoy Foxcatcher, no mater how depressing. Still looking forward to watching Unstoppable, even though the trailers looked a bit cheesy and it sounds like the wrestling is not great (although you could say that about Vision Quest).
  8. I find I have to forgo my phone for my laptop or desktop if I want to spend more than a few minutes on this site.
  9. If I didn't know that was a greco match I would have thought it was free. Glad he is taking the opportunity to stay on the international mat though.
  10. It is like a champion boxer who comes back to the ring again and again, even when they get hit more often each time. The way JB lost to the Iranian it is clear that he should have hung it up after his last world title if he wanted a heroes exit. When he shot for a double and the Iranian easily threw him by, I grimaced because that is not how I wanted to remember him going out. I don't know if he thought he really had a chance at "all I see is gold" or even a medal, but if he is okay with wrestling with "a chance" at a medal that is his choice. He did have a chance if the Iranian didn't brain fart at the end of his semi finals. It is difficult to swallow... you were the best for many years and now... each day makes each movement just a bit more difficult, each reaction a bit slower.
  11. I'm guess it was just difficult to swallow, no medal. Looked like DT had a nice exchange with the coach afterwards. If you lined the final six wrestlers up in order of actual ability, it would be Sad, DT, Ghas, then the others. Wish they would go back to the old top 3 double elim for worlds.
  12. Wondering how DT would have done if he beat Ghas first and then wrestled Sad. DT was much more conservative at the beginning of bronze match. I think that would have helped in the Sad match. Maybe too offensive against Sad early? Once you are forced to attacked Sad you are leaving yourself open to his patented chest lock and go behind.
  13. Love Ono's gut. Total commitment.
  14. Think how Iran feels right now with their last second brain farts at 79 and 92. We were hopeful of our retirees doing well, but it's got to sting worse to be that close and and let it slip away, twice.
  15. We are about to find out how special the JB era was. Sparking the the US in 2011 and performing at a high level for almost 10 years. And then the 4-5 other studs that came in and lasted almost two cycles. Here's to hoping we find another spark.
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