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SocraTease last won the day on March 19 2023

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Two great guys. Ohe had to lose. Congrats to Hamiti.
  2. I wrestled McCormick in high school. My coach moved me up two weights to wrestle him because Bloomsburg was a rival. I had to drink a gallon of water right before weigh-ins just to meet the minimum weight. It ended in a tie. My father taught at Bloomsburg University when McCormick's Dad was President there. Now, DM is a carpet bagger from CT.
  3. I don't see him beating Kasak again.
  4. Lovett and Taylor will be sponsoring a stall camp this summer.
  5. What is Manning challenging? Even the announcers admit it is a timeout. What BS
  6. Wrestling need more guys like Anthony Robles ... and fewer guys channeling the toxic wanna-be dimensions of MMA
  7. Lovett loses last year in choosing top. Henson loses this year in refusing to choose top. The yang yins and the yin yangs. Bad decisions in retrospect for each ... or was it the coach's call?
  8. Bird is the Word. He deserved the W
  9. Go to hell, you piece of s*** The Orange Felon, Quisling, and Stain is the enemy -- of truth, law, decency, and democracy. If you can't see that he is the textbook definition of a pathological narcissist and authoritarian, you have absolutely zero schooling ... and should be schooled yourself. You are obviously willfully ignorant and proud to be that way.
  10. F*** that Orange Stain for walking out after the match and trying to take away the focus on what Starocci has done. He's a malignant narcissist and sociopath of the very, very, very worst kind.
  11. "I'm wearing organic underwear. I'm using organic bamboo toilet paper". I think he has reached a whole new level of surrealism. Ford Pinto: hippie narcissist. If only he would discover Buddhism and take steps to extinguish his steroid embalmed ego. Perhaps a pilgrimage to Bodh Gaya in India over the summer is in order ... he can come back with flowers in his hair.
  12. I like Shane Sparks and appreciate his energy (sometimes), but he is just being a cheerleader and shill for the network. He picks a cause or a side or a musical band or the name of a wrestling movie (e.g., coffee grinder) and then throws his whole being behind it ... even when he is completely wrong.
  13. Speculation: ESPN knows that a certain visitor is coming to the venue. He wants to show up, watch a few matches, feed off the fan frenzy and excitement (and likely imagine it is really for him) in the biggest, first match, and then leave early. Perhaps ESPN is even being pressured to accommodate this visitor, though they would never admit this out loud so they come up with a strange, twisted, and illogical rationalization for starting with 184.
  14. JB is a reasonable guy, but that is a bad rationalization rather than a good reason. Start at 125 and either (a) go straight through to 285 or (b) preferably, just rearrange the last three matches since in the situation now chosen, you are already doing that by putting 184 first. 125 .... 197, 285, 184. Simply put 184 last rather than first. Then you build up the interest over the whole series of matches.
  15. You mean the rumor earlier tonight that they were imploding isn't veridical?
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