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  1. Every school is different. My experience is at a D1 mid major. The coach there tried to get 3-4 wrestlers on 100% full rides, and distribute the rest to make up the lineup. I imagine a team like Iowa or PSU giving out a 100% is rare.
  2. I like this, it seems more fair. Right now the coin flip winner gets a pretty big advantage. Just think how big the flip is for Iowa this weekend to get to choose 133.
  3. That would be a problem if Spencer was any type of normal wrestler. But he regularly techs or pins top 20 opponents in 3-4 minutes and has even won NCAAs with blown ACL. There is no reason to think that a 60% Spencer wouldn’t pin/tech Terukina.
  4. Lots of competitive weights which will make for an extremely exciting dual. ISU’s chances hinge greatly on Spencer Lee. If Lee wrestles, ISU’s chances are extremely slim. If he’s out this dual is a toss up.
  5. Siebrecht wins with the ole high school JV roll through
  6. Agree. Still had that leg and they usually do not call it in that situation.
  7. I don’t think anyone disregards mindset. Anyone who knows anything about wrestling knows that mentality is as important if not more than physical ability. Mindset, mental toughness, mentality, etc. are not easy for fans to observe. You have to know someone to know their mindset. That is why fans, rightly so imo, focus more on technical/physical analysis.
  8. Good call. Really makes you think the whole nostalgia over that 149 class is a bit overblown. There are a lot of weights that have 4-5 future champs/finalists in them. Judging how tough a weight is by future placements is really pretty dumb. Why did everyone start thinking this was a good way to look at it?
  9. Awesome stuff! Thanks for explaining. Very interesting and I think a good way of looking at things. Can you also show the total expected AA in addition to the change? I’m an ISU fan for example and am curious if that change in one more AA moves them from 3 to 4 or 4 to 5 in your calculations.
  10. How do you get this number? What is 0.1 expected AA? Just curious your method.
  11. Good wrestlers, but pretty sure no one thought Phil Conigliaro or Cam Amine were winning the title.
  12. You’re talking about O’Toole never losing another match and how unbelievable he is, but then bragging about the 7th and 8th seeds? Cmon man.
  13. So in your opinion, Hidlay and Deakin<Wick and Marinelli. Not sure I agree about that.
  14. It’s very good, and I’m a huge fan of O’Toole. He’s awesome. My only point is that when you’re comparing him and Carr both had had relatively similar careers, so using those stats to somehow make an argument for O’Toole in that specific match up just doesn’t make sense. Both have a Junior world title and a 1st and a 3rd at their two trips to NCAAs. Both of their championship seasons they had over 60% bonus. Splitting hairs between these 2 and I don’t think the stats argue one way or another.
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