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  1. @TBar1977 Ban Basketball Amalone @johnstownsteel @Husker_Du @Jimmy Cinnabon That Russian Troll poster on the international forums that even got Jason Bryant riled up. .....
  2. And that folks is how smoke turns to fire. Prime example
  3. Did you watch the match?
  4. I was there. I had no clue he was injured. Once my section realized that he was hurt they all got quiet.
  5. I like that kid
  6. I'm really looking forward to this dual! Glad to see both teams full of talent now. Should be quite entertaining!
  7. To get you to respond like you just did. That was a nice win by Kueter btw!
  8. Has Kueter ever been pinned? He almost did last week!
  9. It was always Gable's trophy once he came back. don't kid yourself
  10. People want immediate high end results for these top recruits. Maybe some take a little longer to develop? Fans are too quick to write these guys off and assume they are transferring. I guess that's the age we live in.
  11. Looked like normal jumping to me. Like everyone else around her
  12. Terry and the drunk Nebraska fan are hunting buddies. It's all apart of the show. Are you not entertained?!!
  13. This thread would have much different answers if he committed elsewhere last night. Just sayin..
  14. Selective memories of course
  15. Either way you chose to ignore history on purpose
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