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NCAA Qualifier (11/14)

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  1. Yes Spencer can finally compete, he just hasn't very much..... I'm not sure what "necessary adjustments" there are to be made. This isn't Freshman vs Upperclassman during college season. This is often injured, questionable from neutral but.... elite turner vs guys who have been consistently doing it for years, explosive little athletes, 1 match elimination (essentially) Spicy Lee is such a danger on the mat, him beating anyone won't surprise me. Him making the team is proof enough that he is going to be competitive, but him struggling so hard with Zou is also proof enough that feeling those top guys a few times might have been advantageous for our rep. Hope he wins, but think he might take a quick L
  2. Spicy Lee has as good a shot as many He isn't the favorite but even the favorite isn't the favorite. Just whoever is feeling it that day, and whoever comes out on the right end of a 3-3 decision somewhere along the way. Similar to 65kg, not the exact same but similar. Both Champs are going to have matches where you go "If not for this questionable moment, he's hoping to be pulled back in for Bronze". Spicy has a chance just like the Pain Train known as Zain has a chance. I'm not picking either to medal, gun to my head, but if you told me either made the finals I would be 0% shocked. I'm beyond excited to see how these play out. Also I wanna see Tsabalov vs Dake (nobody asked) but while Dake is a clearer favorite than can be found at the 2 lower weights, I wouldn't be surprised to see him in a predicament against a cagey vet. Cheers to you all and congrats in advance to whoever gets to say, "I told you so" because they called "heads" instead of "tails"
  3. USA USA USA Feels like we should do some winning
  4. LA Olympics we should all meet up one night and talk ridiculousness over 3 pints. I'd love it, and its more feasible for me. 2028 Forums Meet and Greet. I'd RSVP
  5. I think everyone who pays attention to the sport should keep it in their back-pocket as a. asterisk for casual conversation with somebody who isn't as versed in the sport. Casual person: But Dake won the Olympics and blah blah blah You: Yes he did but that particular win is unique because....... or Casual: Dake should have at least 1 Olympic title. Spladle08: He would've but Frank did Frank stuff..... WarChamizo, I loved the 2024 Olympics.
  6. Soooooooooooooo My thoughts. (completely a guess) He's been wrestling "pretty good" guys, across his MMA training, and is like "F*ck I'm still a wrecking machine!" which I'm sure he is, but maybe not to the degree he "feels" (I get the same vibes when I'm crushing local HS and 3rd string Div 2 kids).....his biggest hindrance has been his gas tank, and this extended time away from wrestling-specific training and another year or 2 in the age bank...... Will he still beast most guys? Absolutely. Will he struggle mightily against anyone who is there after the first half of the match..... I can't imagine this not being the case. I'm as big a JO fan as anyone, but this happens every few years, where somebody takes an extended break later in their career, then they get a little itch and boom, come out and get squanched-on and we can all say "who saw that coming". Everyone should've saw that coming. #WARJO, hope he makes the team, 10% Chance
  7. Easiest answer is Russia. Most reasonable is: 57kg nobody knows 65kg nobody knows 74kg Dake or Sidakov most likely
  8. Oh I thought he had one then the other. I prefer only 1 . I have a feeling he shocks the world this year and gets it done . Fingers crossed. I need to start paying more attention of seeds.
  9. Or beat them both and win it all :) I'm calling it !
  10. 57 KG - Higuchi 65 KG - Russia 74 KG - Russia 86 KG - Yaz 97 KG - Kyle Snyder somehow 125 KG - Zare
  11. I did see that. I mean he could be a finalist for sure. But if he and Geno wrestle in an hour or at the Olympics. Id probably pick Geno .60% to medal
  12. The finals more than 60% you think ...... I think Geno, Taha, Zare . Still all best him at the big show...... And I think he's susceptible to a few others.... But favored. I think he almost definitely wrestles for a medal and should medal. But I gotta allow for him catching somebody tough early and them losing in the semis (I don't even know where they all stand with points currently)
  13. 100% again: Cheers to pool-format ;)
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