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headshuck last won the day on October 5 2023

headshuck had the most liked content!

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  1. Yes, that’s the one we all want to see.
  2. Just passing along early reports on X since people were asking. I don’t recall any personal statements by me.
  3. Yeah, I’ll admit I fell for some early reports.
  4. Your link didn’t load. Is this the same?
  5. No ads! I guess you might be out $1. Sorry.
  6. I guess no reactions? One thing that you’ll find is if you choose the “discussions”, you’ll get all forums in one feed. Nice, but you can’t exclude anything like NWT.
  7. It’s improved but they get $1 mo now.
  8. No ads if using Tapatalk app.
  9. Wyoming has the lowest percentage of archery hunters in the nation at 7%. Only 4,063 out of 58,882 total deer hunters used a bow or crossbow. Hunters harvested 35,061 deer and 7% were taken with archery equipment, tying Montana and Colorado for the lowest percentage of deer harvested by a bow or crossbow. https://archerytrade.org/2021-state-by-state-hunting-data-3-7-million-bowhunters-in-america/
  10. Plenty of rational, intelligent sources to follow on X.
  11. The difference between left and right conspiracy theories, is the left manages to prosecute theirs.
  12. Are they protesting the coach or something?
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