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headshuck last won the day on October 5 2023

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  1. “If I can change my opinion, you can change yours. I was a sucker and fell for what the media told me.”
  2. We’ll never know what communication occurred on his phone. Unless the cellular carrier still has that data.
  3. Let’s say you get 100 people to believe it was an inside job. How many of the 100 believe it was: A) staged assassination by Trump? B) failed assassination attempt by someone other than the shooter?
  4. It’s in a stack of unread memos including which party is the bigger threat to our democracy.
  5. It will be interesting to see where Vivek, Carson, RFKjr, Rubio, Haley etc fit in now.
  6. I think women voters are interested in more policies than abortion this time around.
  7. It would be interesting to see his email/text threads.
  8. Time for unity on this forum. Btw, if RockLobster says all of this was staged, there’d be no fallen hero.
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