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College Starter (10/14)

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  1. High school for me was J Jaggers and Lance Palmer (NE Ohio) Palmer was probably the most hyped i'd ever seen, and that would include Dustin Schlatter. Not who everyone was claiming to be the best, but closest to any star or celebrity status in that world. Palmer a brother who was also destined to be a 4x state champ (he was) his family was known for wrestling bears, and the St. Eds notoriety certainly helped.
  2. Was going straight off memory D3, this ole noggin doesn't work like it used too!
  3. I remember when I was first getting into wrestling, the first name I remember people talking about nationally was David Craig out of Florida. I know he didn't pan out at all on the college scene but i'll always remember the hype. I think he committed to Lehigh? Maybe wrestled a year.
  4. I personally find myself rooting for wrestlers, despite what school they attended. Whether Nickal does great or poorly in UFC will have little affect monetary-wise, may help bring in blue chip recruits (Like they need more help) due to his reputation/wrestlers aspiring to get into UFC after college.
  5. Welp my bet of SIU Edwardsville comes to an early exit. Next slew of schools eliminated off Bassett's list: Sacred Heart Duke SIU Edwardsville Bloomsburg Gardner-Webb Northern Illinois Binghamton
  6. I think with social media these days people are more inclined to announce they are NOT coming back and thanking their school, etc. as opposed to just returning when known eligibility is left. Not all wrestlers generate posts like Starocci.
  7. I think you see Kharchla at 174 and Welsh up to 184 next season. Rogotzke RS.
  8. SIU Edwardsville is my sleeper pick. +225 to crack the top 40.
  9. Could be a good recruiting tool for someone like a St. Cloud St..... "Hey come wrestle for us, we made Bo Bassett's top 30!"
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