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  1. I hope Sammy sticks around Columbus after graduation to help the team and maybe even do some motivational speaking engagements.
  2. And potential to where he's going to college. Coaches may not want these character issues, unless you're the Brands bros.
  3. You're the Iowa fan he's the Penn St fan.
  4. Don't do it, Jim. Frank the Tank was no slouch!
  5. I’ll be 30,000 feet in the air during this dual so if anyone could provide a period-period score update on here I’d be appreciative. Kind of.
  6. Gonna have to start scouting potential replacements now....
  7. I'd take Pindrickson as any glimmer of hope over anyone to pull an upset. Schultz too fat.
  8. Wouldn't be a complete shock the way Max has been wrestling this year.
  9. Sasso a warrior, 99% of people wouldn't even make it back to the mat. It has been a pleasure watching him these last 5 years.
  10. I've read Kharchla (174) has another year of eligibility if he chooses to take it.
  11. Sealey screwed, bad for my Penn st -28.5!
  12. I don’t know what a takedown is anymore
  13. Davis bailed out by the refs 2 years in a row in this dual
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