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  1. Thank you. They are all different. My wife used to say she was the son I never had, lol. From age 6 to 14 she played baseball and was pretty much the best player in the league. Then she started playing HS and travel softball, even some mens church league. If you saw her dressed up, makeup, and giggling with her friends about boys, you'd never guess. She's actually quite feminine until she gets a softball or baseball in her hands. She always ate like a horse but was skinny. Now that she's no longer playing, we'll see if that changes.
  2. Same pew, different church. My daughter played D1 softball. 5'9, maybe 125 lb slap hitting centerfielder. I was always shocked at what some of the girls from some programs looked like and how far they could hit a softball, especially during batting practice when they were getting cookies. More than once my wife and I whispered to each other, I wonder if she's Jose Canseco's daughter. Then you're seeing girls throw 120 pitches, 2 or 3 days in a row. Hard for me to believe it was just exercise and nutrition.
  3. Yep. Anyone with 1/10,000 of a brain cell should know that was staged. Sure made him a mythical hero with the rest though.
  4. C5 Super Galaxy Stratofortress The Concorde
  5. I'm still amazed that it was necessary to explain that to someone. I guess some people are surprised every morning when the sun comes up.
  6. Not after either.
  7. Agree. Don't hate the player. Hate the game.
  8. Then the blood was the only thing not fake.
  9. Has there been a fake assassination attempt complete with fake WWE blood yet?
  10. I've been on both sides of this. The expert who has to listen to idiots, and the idiot that thinks he knows more than the experts. Sometimes I don't even know which I am.
  11. I think his career goal is a permanent spot on the Jim Bakker show.
  12. I think Ferrari learned the difference between the B10 and the California Penal League.
  13. Ferrari moves like a cat. A 15 year old barn cat.
  14. He's an octopus.
  15. Watching Ferrari waving to his coach for a challenge on back points, then waving them off I think he's got a future landing jet fighters on an aircraft carrier. Or maybe as a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader.
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