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State Qualifier

State Qualifier (6/14)

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  1. She hasn't seen 190 since Middle School.
  2. Whoever said the thrill is in the chase never caught nothin.
  3. Don't know. I've always been one to get my lovin on the run.
  4. But does one get better at knowing wrestling by not knowing wrestling?
  5. Maybe that's why he's always adjusting Mr Crotch.
  6. I think maybe you're forgetting how undiscriminating 20 year old guys are. Did any of the teeth line up top to bottom? Not a requirement, just curious.
  7. Maybe he thought the other team's cheerleaders looked a lot better than his. And the getting lost in the bleachers is just Part2 of the story.
  8. My grandfather was on the 1961 Lock Haven High School team with Mike Johnson. He also said Mike was never taken down in HS. There were 4 PIAA state champs on that team and another that finished 4th. My grandfather also said high school wrestling was so tough in that area that the 1961 team was only 4th in their league. Crazy.
  9. I'm watching. Thanks for the reminder.
  10. My guess is at least 197 lbs of roadrunner.
  11. This is 100% Monday morning quarterbacking. 3 or 4 small differences total in the MFS matches would result in a big difference in US results. That's typical of high level athletic competitions. So far we've only had one weight where we weren't in the hunt for a gold. The sky is not falling.
  12. MFS results suck but on the plus side I got to watch Snoop Dog watching womens break dancing. I think humanity has hit a new low.
  13. Borderline TMI.
  14. I've been watching the Olympics on NBC, USA, and E!. Do they have the same idiotic commercials and crowd shots constantly on Peacock? I watch the Olympics to see athletic competitions, not to see Snoop Dog watching athletic competitions or Reba, etc, etc advertising some upcoming NBC series or some idiotic movie. It's a wonder my TV is not at the bottom of the hill across the road.
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