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  1. Sounds like the SS and local police split up duties. The SS being responsible for the actual rally grounds, and the police responsible for the area outside the fence (where the shooter was.) That alone starts to clarify things a bit.
  2. That's just a jumble of words that doesn't make any sense. I did tell him to show me - but you are incorrect - he did not. Go scroll back and look. Someone else did post an image and a link to video - clarifying there was no screen. I'm not going to waste time trying to argue with you. You spout word jumbles and nonsense and make up your own facts. I've been posting this for legitimate posters to see the facts and logic, so they can see past the idiocy of trolls like you who somehow enjoy spending their time fighting like feral animals. You go, girl.
  3. What is wrong with you? These guys were pretty hard to miss. Do you want me to count them and define what a firearm is, too?
  4. I would hope that'll come out as part of the investigation. Right now - it isn't clear who shot him. Or why they shot him. Same for the other two people who were allegedly shot by the kid on the roof. Remember, there were a lot of firearms at the rally. It's also unclear what the shooter's motivation was. There are a lot of possible scenarios. There are still a lot of unanswered questions. What is clearly answered - is that they let that kid hang out on the rooftop for a long time. Video evidence shows them training their weapons on him right up until the moment he fired. This thing stinks badly.
  5. Better re-open the case there judge Bozo. I didn't say there "was NOTHING to his right" - that is a fabrication. I said that there was "NO SUCH SCREEN" - that was my exact quote. These are not the same thing. A link above to an article with Trump's quote is above - even in the link it says "Screen" Whoever said something about 4th grade reading comprehension earlier was making a good point.
  6. I ignored? What are you even talking about? I replied to the post - which is what this is all about. "Screen displaying charts and graphs" - there was no screen displaying charts and graphs.
  7. Wake up and pay attention. Somebody above claimed there was a screen he was looking at. I had watched all of the video available and there was no screen at the rally. There just wasn't. Somebody else above posts that Trump said he was looking at a screen, so it must be true. So now we've got muttonheads saying there was a screen because Trump said so. I swear some people are just too lazy to think on their own. I pointed out that there was no screen. That was the fact. They meant a sign? Why not just call it a bird - because, you know - why would the words you use on a message board matter?
  8. Except that he wasn't shot. That was a cut on the ear. Not the result of gunfire. He was in zero danger of anything other than getting blood on his shirt.
  9. ... further, here's a YouTube video from FOX News with Republican Bill Barr that explains it in simple terms. Trump is simply guilty in this particular case. That's not to say Trump is necessarily guilty of any other charges in other cases. He may well be innocent of charges in other cases that have yet to be tried. This also has nothing to do with Hunter Biden or any of the other weird things people try to link to this. This is simply a case where Trump is guilty. I have to wonder if anyone who doesn't see this is just not capable of being honest with themselves.
  10. The classified documents case will be back. Why? Because he is obviously guilty. Those documents, classified or not, didn't belong to him. They were (and are) property of the federal government. Ex-presidents have zero right to claim them as their own. They requested he return them multiple times - Trump denied, and went so far as to lie to his lawyers that they had all been returned. When the feds got a search warrant, they found he had illegally retained them - and that there were classified documents among the boxes they discovered. Had he simply returned them, it would likely not have become a problem at all. He effectively stole documents, hid them, and lied about it. Vak already covered this in detail back when it was a current event.
  11. Veteran holding sniper world record speaks on Trump shooting (msn.com) Event the heavily right leaning British tabloid Daily Mail has a report from a veteran sniper that says it was rigged - that the shooter obviously had inside help getting in that position without being stopped. Law enforcement spotted Trump shooter nearly 30 minutes before shots fired, NBC affiliate reports (msn.com) Local NBC affiliate, WPXI, reported on Monday that a member of Beaver County, Pennsylvania's emergency services unit noticed a suspicious man on a roof near the rally at 5:45 p.m., called it in and took a picture of the person. It's already started to be revealed - that kid was allowed to be on a roof 130 yards away from Trump without any security intervention whatsoever. Security wasn't concerned, because they knew he wasn't there to shoot Trump. His ear 'cut' was staged to make for a photo op. Remember when Trump used to do staged pro 'rassling 'fighting'? This was right up his ally. And just the kind of thing he knew his MAGA fans would go crazy for while getting back in the headlines for something other than being a multiple time convicted criminal with more cases on the way.
  12. Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson called on both Democrats and Republicans to turn the rhetoric down after the assassination attempt on former President Trump at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday. "This is a horrific act of political violence. It ought to be roundly condemned. Obviously, we can't go on this way as a society," he told NBC News on Sunday. "We've got to turn the rhetoric down. We've got to turn the temperature down in this country. We need leaders of all parties, on both sides, to call that out and make sure that happens, so we can go forward and maintain our free society that we are all blessed to have." This is nuts. Trump sets up a staged assassination ploy, and instead of admitting to it - the Republican establishment advises everyone to "turn it down" in order to protect our country? Ignoring the ploy is the wrong choice. The right choice is to stop trying to gaslight the people. Not one single American citizen should be lied to. Not a single one. The truth should be above all else.
  13. Trump almost died from a cut in his upper ear? Maybe adjust your perspective a bit... he was never in any danger of dying.
  14. WTF? I know exactly what I'm seeing. It's a disturbed guy looking to his right per script - no charts or graphs. Using the trigger words, then doing grabbing his ear and kneeling down for Part II of the script. You are flat out lying here - there was no screen.
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