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  1. Well, you seem to have taken a childish view here. That's OK - we all have our limits. This is one of yours. As I already posted earlier to you specifically. Murder is wrong, do you disagree? You didn't answer my post. Instead, you've typed quite a lot of buffoonery to somehow agree what I've posted clearly. (I guess I should take your childish rant as a compliment - that you agreed with me so strongly.) And the part where You can only push people so far, do you disagree? Is also true. People have limits and you can only push them so far. But - that is not, and I mean zero, excuse for murder. You do understand that, child? You misinterpreted what was said. That's not on her. That's on you. Before you go on yet another childish rant, understand that these things are true... but what's true is not the same as what is absolutely true. So much gray area, so little B&W. In life there are very few absolute truths. Death retains the #1 spot. The rest jockey for position.
  2. Now you're bickering about which quote was about which quote. Move it along, dummy.
  3. Have you? The reason I ask is that there is a significant financial barrier that wasn't erected by accident. If you'd like to meet Trump it will cost you quite a lot of money. It's by design for Trump's financial gain. Consider it a filter. What's interesting here is that if you follow Trump, he only references the billionaires he's known and has met. No matter how bright and shiny you are, you won't make a dent in his circle of billionaires and multi-billionaires. He's always and only about piles of money. 99% of us don't have that kind of money. Which is unfortunate. He's only about the 1%. I don't need to attempt to belittle him with name calling. The facts speak for themselves.
  4. My last post was nothing about you. It was far bigger than you. Whatever your problem is - pay attention, and move it along, dummy.
  5. Or maybe we heavily tax compute processing by AI, crypto-mining, and driverless car tech. All interesting, and all very energy draining. Yet none proven to actually provide anything useful to society other than as a drain. We can all breath for a very long time without concern if wasteful technologies are identified and managed. There's a reason China banned crypto-mining in 2021. And, yes mspart, I agree that plants should be around. Plants should be a much higher priority than tech.
  6. In case anyone hasn't figured out the point I was trying to make... The entire schtick of "show me proof" as a response to a post is getting tiresome. This is a community of somewhat like-minded wrestling fans. We can share ideas, comments, perspectives, and everything else. As much as we disagree on some things, we largely agree on many more things. I like it here, and I mostly enjoy the community. It isn't a court of law. Posts don't require links to "proof." Demanding "proof" of fellow posters is silly. If you need more information, maybe it would be best to try to honestly use google first before politely asking other posters for assistance. That route is so much better than demanding others use google for you. Just a thought - in the interest of civil conversation (which is why we're all here - last time I checked.)
  7. Document that. I won't acknowledge it unless it meets with my approval.
  8. Document that. I won't acknowledge it unless it meets with my approval.
  9. Document that. I won't acknowledge it unless it meets with my approval.
  10. Document that. I won't acknowledge it unless it meets with my approval.
  11. Document that. I won't acknowledge it unless it meets with my approval.
  12. Document that. I won't acknowledge it unless it meets with my approval.
  13. Clarify. What, exactly is your specific problem here? Murder is wrong, do you disagree? You can only push people so far, do you disagree? What part of what was said made you think that you should belittle her? I'll start: I disagree with you using 'Pocahontas' to attempt to belittle someone you've never even met. Keep in mind that she doesn't know you, has never met you personally, and knows nothing about you at all. I do know you, at least from internet forum interactions, and I'd trust her 100% more than you. You suck at this.
  14. Easy there young buck. It's just past time to put the bottle down. And, when you're sober, time to rethink trusting tiktok videos. They are like little bits of video cancer sent directly to you from China. Unless you trust the Chinese government, it's time to do away with that crap entirely.
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