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  1. Wow, completely unnecessary comment.... Do better
  2. The RTC is a joke, no athletes listed on their website, no full-time coach since Gross bailed. I used to give them money until they cut the womans program without any warning, the lack of transparency from inside those offices is insane. Bono deserves the criticism he gets.
  3. He was also promised the HC job at UW, but was told no because Alverez thought it wouldn't be good to remove a coach that just won a team trophy. The team that won the trophy was built by Donny and Jared Frayer, Davis was just the "figure head" I'd be pissed too and go interview with a rival.
  4. UW social media posted a birthday wishes video for Bono today and restricted the comments. Based on comments from past posts, probably a good idea
  5. 125 This 133 is 141 Stupid 149 Bono
  6. Now that the decision has been made, will Pyles stop obsessing over this kid? It was getting quite disgusting.
  7. Amos and Zargo are redshirting this season, if I were in their shoes I would be jumping in that portal the second it opens. Bono came out of his hole the other day and released a video saying how young they are and how much better they are getting. I’ve heard that same line for 5 years now…..No hope in Madison
  8. I listened to a Montana interview with Jim Rome years ago, and Montana trashed the dude.
  9. Want another shocker....Rudy isn't historically accurate either. Joe Montana said no one liked Rudy, and he was a Butthole. 1/2 the stuff in the movie never happened, like the jerseys on DeVine's desk. They also carried him off the field as a joke. I'm glad they had the correct leg missing though. Good movie
  10. I have been on Ozempic since October for my Beetus', it is not a quick fix weight loss drug it took 90 days to ramp up and I didn't see a weight loss change until recently. I don't see how this would benefit wrestlers, especially when this drug has been known to reduce muscle mass too. On top of that the nausea and lack of desire to eat does not mix well with training. On the other hand, amazing Beetus' drug, my A1C levels are almost normal again!
  11. I don't see Reader taking this job if Bono is dismissed. Reader is pretty loyal, I'm also convinced if Mac gets off his rear and fires Bono, the whole staff is gone. Clean sweep time to start over. Wisconsin will dominate the NWCA in the next 5 years when it's reduced to a club sport. that rivalry with Utah State will be a banger!
  12. Sad thing is Mac was a state champ wrestler in Wisconsin during his HS days. He has shown very little give a *I poop my pants, don't laugh at me* for the wrestling team since he took over. I think this program will be reduced to club level sooner than later.
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