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lisa morales

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State Placer

State Placer (7/14)

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  1. It's pretty great - just piss wherever you want. Nothing like the smell of fresh urine in the morning.
  2. Google "missing stair". It will help in your little battle with my posts.
  3. Cornell is considered the easy Ivy. Lots of guts that kids can major in.
  4. Dog walkers in NYC make more.
  5. Ironic that Cornell's head coach flipped from Lehigh to Cornell the day before classes started. It is strange decommiting from an Ivy League school to go to Cowtown U. though.
  6. Hey, now that's not very nice of you. You obviously have no clue about attendance. Campbell has been lucky to draw 50 people at a dual. Students have no idea the program even exists.
  7. They're basically a friends and family program. Drop the program and maybe 5 people will care.
  8. Pull up slacker. Only did 2,200 in one day.
  9. Figure out how to cope.
  10. He's good at holding position in freestyle. Beyond that, I'm not feeling an earthquake.
  11. Hoping he gets a neck tat to complete the look.
  12. He wants you to connect the dots.
  13. He just added the requisite white trash tattoo on his arm so he's all set for Big State School U.
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