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NormMacDonald last won the day on March 22

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  • I love Bob Dole

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  1. agreed.. coaches will flip and take a higher paying and better job so why not the athletes.
  2. AJ is going to be Penn States heavyweight next year.
  3. All they need was for "I am a real American, fight for the rights of every man. I am a real American, fight for what's right, fight for your life" to blare over the speaker right after the win. Then hulk Hogan walks down with an American flag and a chair. He hits Gable over the back and then rips off his shirt and raises Wyatt's hand. Then trump comes onto the mat and rips off his shirt. They get on both sides of Wyatt and raise his hand. The crowd goes nuts chanting "USA, USA, USA". While this is going on, Gable comes to and picks up the chair. He walks up behind Trump and hits him in the back with the chair. He runs off while hulk and Wyatt tend to trump. We've got our next year long story line heading into wrestle mania which will be Gable managed by Paul Heyman possessed by the Iron Shiek and Chad Gable managed by Kurt angle to decide who the real Gable is. Which is obviously Dan Gable.
  4. He seems to want to compete but not at what he is best at. Seems like he is burned out on wrestling. I think/hope he ends up going into coaching college wrestling.
  5. I'm not sure but I wouldn't be surprised. And yeah, heavyweight is cleared out now finally.
  6. I followed him here in Indiana. He switched schools here multiple times. Lost a year of eligibility due to it. Then he's senior year he started out at a school and then decided to not wrestle high school that year. From all accounts, he's a great kid. I'm with you. I'm really rooting for him.
  7. I think 197 is too small for Carroll. He's a tweener for sure but that seems like a brutal cut for him.
  8. thanks.. I was about to ask about him.. I hope whatever is going on with him, he's getting figured out.
  9. Boys, I'm a half inch or so away from a gold medal
  10. takdown to leg lace, over in 13 seconds
  11. Or was he so good at it that he was able to convince you that he was bad?
  12. I'm surprised Wyatt didn't raise his eyebrow and hit Gable with the peoples elbow with how staged that was.
  13. If its already small does it still shrink it orrrrrr?
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