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College Redshirt

College Redshirt (9/14)

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  1. They were tried once but too many drowned.
  2. We could all take turns getting medals!
  3. This!! And get rid of all basketball from the games
  4. I don’t think we do either. That would take time to build.
  5. No but the defense for those shots is so much different in freestyle than in folk. Our guys spend 95% of their wrestling career in a style where they can shoot in and if they expose their back it means nothing. Now they get in elite freestyle tournaments and lose a match because the shoot in and get exposed. I don’t believe it would be the same if they’d spent 95% of their careers in free.
  6. If colleges switched to freestyle and Greco, we’d see scholarships going to a lot of foreign born athletes like what happens in track. I think it would make our Olympic teams better but would make it harder for American born wrestlers to get scholarships.
  7. Well shit. Got trucked that second period.
  8. That looked like it came down to experience. Decades of focusing on folk style doesn’t prepare you well for not getting turned like that.
  9. I think the worst part was the hypocrisy.
  10. Big deal. I don’t exercise either.
  11. NeverMind. I think the people talking about Scott leaving are right.
  12. If I had to guess I’d bet it’s because of Wyatt coming in. Christian didn’t wrestle his senior year in order to bulk up to wrestle HWT in college, or so I read on the Indiana forums. He wrestled 220 HS. I think 197 is a tough cut for him and will only get tougher as he gets older.
  13. I don’t blame him for leaving the first high school. I’m not sure on the second one.
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