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  1. I am pretty sure he was quoted as saying, "I like wrestling and all that jazz" one time.
  2. I agree. It's not a bias against programs it's that he makes weird calls that are not aimed at any specific team. People just lose their mind because they are convinced it's that he hates :insert team here:.
  3. Hey I resemble that remark!
  4. I am as big a PSU fan as there is but there is no comparison to Spencer. Everyone knew Spencer’s floor was multiple time NCAA champ out of high school. Luke is a heck of a talent but Spencer’s level was crazy out the gate.
  5. What was Ruth supposed to do there? I don’t like that stall call.
  6. You and me both.
  7. Not sure how they over turn that one. Sheesh.
  8. Sealey with the mistake choosing down. Cody was not pleased.
  9. Why is this guy saying Van Ness like this?
  10. BB looking a little more aggressive recently. Not a whole lot but a little bit makes a difference with him.
  11. If I have to hear this shoe story one more time.
  12. The BTN student crews always have an issue with the scoreboard graphics for whatever reason.
  13. It was pretty clear that him turning him on top was his shot at winning. On their feet Luke was taking him down easily. If they wrestle again I have a feeling there will be some strategy on what position to choose. Although McCrone could always choose top.
  14. He beat Carter in Carter’s first dual ever. He’s been living off of one win a half a decade ago. He’s a fine wrestler but nothing happened to him.
  15. Yeah, I *I poop my pants, don't laugh at me* you not.
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