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  1. Mr. Fast Twitch.
  2. They’re going to have to 10 AAs. Maybe they break the record they set last year or maybe they don’t. But that’s hardly a win for the PSU haters.
  3. This ref is a joke.
  4. Kasak with a shallow gas tank. He had nothing.
  5. Lightning Luke gassed badly in SV/OT.
  6. I like Spratley over Ramos. Don't quote though boy, cause I ain't said sh*t.
  7. Munez checking all of his gear to get a lunger.
  8. Gabe Arnold is getting taken behind the woodshed and beaten to a pulp by Foca.
  9. That ginormous brace may not allow him the flexibility that makes him special in scrambles. IDK. It's pretty bulky though.
  10. KOT down 0-3 to Norman of Stanford. Now 1-3.
  11. Parco is in trouble. He is hurt. Iowa may not get a trophy.
  12. Smith didn't look good in his first bout either. I am not surprised by this at all. It took him SV to win in round one.
  13. Pinfall on the Resilite!
  14. Wow, Kerk with a large brace on his left knee.
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