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Red Blades

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Red Blades last won the day on March 15 2023

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  1. I think a lot of teams underperfomed a bit, which is why Cornell as able to slip in at 2nd place; Cornell actually scored more team points at third place last year. Here is the top 5 from the 2023 tournament: 1 Penn State 137.5 2 Iowa 82.5 3 Cornell 76.5 4 Ohio State 70.5 5 Missouri 64.5 This year's race for second was much closer. That said - as a Cornell fan, I'm pleased they put themselves into a position where they could finish so high. I think it says a lot about the contribution from the entire team - every point counts!
  2. I was laughing out loud when that happened! My wife looked at me as if to say WTF? (and then went right back to her romcom).
  3. Yeah, he just hasn't been right...
  4. I guess it helped working out with Vito, Yianni, and Meyer!
  5. ^^^ I'll bet you had your hall pass taken away for a year.
  6. Have to say, that would be fun!
  7. So it seems the battle lines have been drawn on this issue: Dartmouth says it won't bargain with basketball players' union (msn.com)
  8. Be forewarned - Benny Baaker is the Bad Draw in this bracket!!
  9. It is derived by a mathematical formula involving NO irrational numbers. Doesn't get any more rational than that. But that doesn't make it right.
  10. Kevin LaValley 4-2 OT - 2011 EIWAs.
  11. Trainspotting?
  12. I'm rooting for Jordan Leen & Co. to pull that program up. And while we are at it - how about Zach Tanelli's Columbia team?! 90.5 team points, two champs, and finished tied with Penn for 4th. Not too bad!
  13. We should keep the "Scribe" emoji.
  14. Assuming Ragusin wins his final match at B1Gs (no guarantees the way that tournament is going!), I expect: Crookham Fix Ragusin Vito I don't think Orin jumps Vito (but I've been wrong before!) Top 4 here is pick-um, IMO. Seeding at 125 is going to be a mess. No telling where Stanich will end up.
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