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jchapman last won the day on September 26

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NCAA Qualifier (11/14)

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  1. Carl may have Kerk forfeit in the finals, like he had Rasheed forfeit to Martin in 2019.
  2. It's possible that another sport is more popular in the Winter in Canada..
  3. My wife's uncle was an alcoholic who would just sit and sip his beer at all times. Christmas dinner? He's sit at the table and sip his beer. Never ate. Said he didn't want to ruin his buzz.
  4. Mendez is the reigning (defending) champion and Alirez is a returning champ.
  5. Did he still get in under the minimum matches? Wow, I didn't realize that.
  6. Kueter? He didn't win last year. Plus, would have to beat Kerk and/or Steveson this year just to be in the running for a 3Xer
  7. Bubba would not count. Cael forced him to change weights to accommodate his brother transferring in from Iowa State.
  8. There was also video of Askren drilling with Lee Kemp.
  9. I wonder if he will receive an unusually high number of forfeits. Or will teams be afraid of receiving backlash?
  10. Are you suggesting that Gable has only won one NCAA title?
  11. Carl in folkstyle prime vs prime Eras too different to compare freestyle prime vs prime
  12. Hahn would be on horn horn to Keuter
  13. Borschel won a national championship at Iowa.
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