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Jimmy Cinnabon

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  1. Arnold could be a 4 timer too
  2. Surprised to see Stallroci so high up. I thought he just stalled to win?
  3. They didn’t pick a great match to showcase Keuter’s wrestling prowess…
  4. Yes, I've said multiple times if he has a half decent shot at being drafted (like even a 25% chance) he absolutely should give up wrestling and focus on football. An average NFL LB makes more in a 2-5 year career than Spencer Lee (the GOAT) will over the course of his entire wrestling career. It's not even close how much more $$$ there is in football over wrestling.
  5. Interesting but I don't see Arnold being able to beat Brands. Arnold is basically the same wrestlers as Brands, just 8 years younger.
  6. A Ferrari vs Ferrari comparison...who was better at this point in time (true freshman season)? I'm thinking it's Angelo? Actually Angelo is probably better than A.J., straight up right now.
  7. No wrestler ever, actually shoots from his knees. All shots are initiated with the knees off the ground. Low, maybe. On the ground, no.
  8. Watching Keuter get absolutely ragdolled by Pindrickson last night made me question if Keuter will ever develop into a top tier heavyweight. Currently at 220 pounds he's just too small for the top heavies who are just as athletic. I think he needs to gain 20-30 pounds of muscle this offseason, but I couldn't help but think of Jan Johnson watching when watching Pindrickson use Keuter as a human mat mop last night.
  9. Your theory is likely the reality. Arnold has admitted on record he's 5'6 and not a true 184 pounder. Obviously Dad and Uncle Brands want to get Nelson a final shot at glory as a 8th year senior... We always knew Kennedy was probably going to be the one to get the shaft.
  10. Really? That means he could easily make 174 then. Dropping 6 pounds is literally just water weight.
  11. Buchanan is winning 197 this year. I don't see Barr beating him or Ferrari. I think Cardenas could take Barr out too.
  12. Sounds reasonable. How about a 3 count for non-contact wrestling on one or both knees is an automatic stall?
  13. This has been asked before, mainly about A.J. but Angelo employed it to great effect last night too in beating Plott. People said RBY keeping 1 arm behind the back was stalling. What about wrestling from one or both knees?
  14. I mean, even if Iowa can't beat Penn State this year (I think they can if they use the lineup in my other thread), it's embarrassing to lose by 100+ points at NCAAs.
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