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  1. There is a lack of understanding by most fans and the general public as well that goes along with this. Most of these schools with money making sports use that to offset all of the other sports that just lose money. Mostly football and basketball generate revenue based upon television contracts, not so much in attendance, concession revenue, etc. It has a net zero cost to the students in tuition. Turning around and paying out players on top of the costs that already exist to run the athletics programs will be an untenable position for these universities and colleges and will create vitriol between the athletes. At least now when you get a scholarship, at least in most cases, you as an athlete get access to better housing, better food, better tutors, physicians/trainers, travel and accomodations on top of an education at a free or reduced cost.
  2. I agree, I think AB has a good chance to medal. Besides this is not '96, our wrestlers are better prepared for freestyle and the rules are more conducive to success now.
  3. So my thoughts are that the portal can be good for a guy who is very good but can't crack the line up at his current school. It allows them more years to compete and potentially place at the NCAA tournament. Just as a PSU fan to see guys like Teske, Negron, Neville, Beard get their chance and get more than one year makes me happy. However, if you are a starter and haven't lost your head coach I have very mixed feelings about these guys moving on. It is bad for the smaller schools and those with less booster NIL money. Problem is I have no idea how to stop it. The NIL is really out of control and the NCAA has almost no way to put that genie back on the bottle.
  4. As some pointed out Carr and MM were on the far side of the mat, the place was insanely loud and when MM looked at the score he was up still because the score operator was slow to get the Carr point up. I'm not saying there isn't some blame on the coaches but there is no way he hears them, even if they are screaming and since he can't see them either there is no way to get his attention.
  5. I feel as Ayala is improving but I also feel like it's Lee doing that and not the Brands'. Most if their transfers are as good as they were last year but aren't better and Woods is definitely not a as good as he was.
  6. I actually had to play back the the sequence trying to figure it out. I thought I had missed something because it didn't make sense to me.
  7. I know I wouldn't take any bets on 125 outcomes. Everyone had looked great and then very beatable. Ayala imo had been very consistent and had no real bad losses. His problem is lack of offense which keeps him in close matches against guys that he will most often beat but will sometimes lose to. That could very well be the difference between him making the finals and not getting past the quarters. I really don't see Davis coming out of the top bracket. It's just packed with tough guys. I'm still just hoping for an AA out of him.
  8. I'm not sure if by posting this you are saying he was a top recruit or wasn't one to be honest. I don't really consider being ranked 69th a "top recruit". It doesn't mean he was a slouch or didn't have a great high school career but im there wasn't really any hype around him.
  9. If your only offense comes off of another guys shot then I do think at some point you are stalling. Plus he hand fights, down blocks and doesn't maneuver for a shot of his own which would open his stance to shots, to the point he keeps other guys from shooting l. He's not the guy who wants you to get to a leg so he can scramble and score or cut the corner and score. At least if he was that kind of wrestler you could make the better argument he wasn't stalling.
  10. I think all of the 125 matchups once you get the quarterfinals and beyond will be fun to watch and hard to predict. I think if you wrestle that bracket 10 times you have a different list of AA's each time.
  11. "Lol c’mon this is downplaying him big time. His run was “unexpected” largely because he was a redshirt freshman. He was 14-3 going into Big Tens last year with only one “bad” loss, and 2 dual wins over previous AA’s." He was not a top recruit out of High School and there wasn't really any knowledge about him last year. He had a great record but it was a surprise to most everyone and a lot of guys who wrestled him weren't prepared for his top game. I'm not downplaying that after his big ten and NCAA finishes PSU wasn't lucky to get him, or that he is a stud. I'm just saying he was an unexpected stud
  12. Nagao was not a projected "stud." His run the Big Ten Tournament and national tournament was not really on most people's radar. Most of us thought he would benefit from the PSU wrestling room but also knew that he wouldn't catch guys off guard this year because they had wrestled him and seen his performances last year. I know I was just hoping he would be a AA contender and get some bonus points when he catches under prepared bottom wrestlers.
  13. You could argue Carr at #3 vs Ramirez but I think in the end Ramirez edges him. Having Hamiti ranked above Ramirez is a non starter though. I didn't see the path at all to that argument. My guess is: O'Toole MM Ramirez Carr Hamiti
  14. They didn't have a great tournament. It does happen and if that was the sole issue with the Brands' tenure it could easily be overlooked as an outlier but the reality is there are many issues that they have had and are having. Some are on the mat and some are off but for me the biggest issue I see tends to be the underperformance of their top recruits when it matters most. They just seem to have trouble getting their guys over that hump and compete up to their potential.
  15. I know he thinks he can go but every wrestler would have been gunning for that leg and there are a few guys who would have had no issue tweaking it if they could. Cael is right to protect him, even from himself. I'm hoping not but this could turn into a Suriano situation. Carter could not wrestle at the NCAA tournament and then transfer and wrestle somewhere else next year. I would hope not but if his ego clouds sound decision making and judgement it could happen.
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