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Dark Energy

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Dark Energy last won the day on May 6

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Frankly, after the freestyle match I’m surprised if consensus has Keegan as favorite. I’d lean Haines. What is cool is that you know both camps have done a ton to review that match and are game planning. The next result will also largely reflect on the coaching / adjustments. Will be fun.
  2. I’ve tried to fast forward many live matches but have never been successful. For some damn reason it makes you watch in real time. Freaking infuriating. Flo should find a way to break all known space-time laws. Losers.
  3. I don’t get it. Floarena tells you the mats. Just watch the match you want on the TV app. What is so hard about this?
  4. Better wrestler won. Carter win.
  5. Keck willingly going to edge. Star keeps going to center to get Keck away from edge. Stall call deserved soon.
  6. Keck rotating butt to OOB line. Ref should notice.
  7. Fun match. Peyton smart work on that pin. Nicely done.
  8. Too much going OOB on purpose. Ref needs to use stalling call. Needed early in match to set tone.
  9. Agree. Wonder where he could place. Also wonder if there is NIL $$ that might tempt a shift.
  10. Flo getting good at the quick replays. Good value add there. Many have difficult time doing that … apparently not as easy as it seems.
  11. You all whine so freaking much. I’m sure it makes you happy to do so. Interesting personality trait. It is the common thread for posters on this board. Back to wrestling. That Endene wrist snap was RIDICULOUS.
  12. Is there literally no applause for these female wrestler intros? Cold audience.
  13. Worried for him. Hoping he and his support network put very high weight on his brain health for his entire life.
  14. And with that, I downloaded duck duck go. It is working. Can’t believe I had to do that for this one site.
  15. Someone explain how to get past this one ….
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