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Dark Energy

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Dark Energy last won the day on May 6

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. @RockLobster is a clear idiot. Worse, is a clear idiot that loves to shout the idiocy to others. This thing still have an ignore function?
  2. You make a fair point but miss the failed effort to ensure logical firing locations are clear, protected and or observed. One of the very few nearby roofs was left alone. Note a good look. Seems incompetent on its face. (And if that BBC interviewee is right, local police join this club as well). What I wrote is a prediction. But I do agree that more info is needed before knowing if firings should actually occur.
  3. Until any actual evidence to the contrary arrives, I agree. The secret service will be excoriated for this, as they should be. A poor job. People will be fired.
  4. Seriously? The world is flat. We didn’t land on the moon. Newtown school massacre didn’t happen. Many revolting and stupid conspiracy theories out there.
  5. Thank you @VakAttack. The collective IQ of society is being dragged down by arm chair conspiracy theorists that see conspiracies in everything and try to sow doubt and confusion. Well before they do solid research using verified information. For those that do this - you actually are an ass. You add no positive value to the society you live in. You actually are a negative addition to it. Fine to be cynical but you go way beyond that.
  6. You actually bet that the secret service fired into the crowd. Ok. You really are making yourself the poster child of conspiracy crazy whack jobs.
  7. He signaled potentially dangerous. Not illegal.
  8. Yes, I’m old … thus minimize my opinion. Here it is … seems like I’ve seen examples of folks that preen so much and love themselves so much that the ‘look at how cool I am’ approach all the time results in a bit of a backlash / fade. We will see if it happens here.
  9. Sure, but that wouldn’t be as humorous. Thanks all.
  10. Come on, I’m serious!! supposed could change it … and say any D1 college basketball player who first scores 60 points in a game next season will get $10k. Or come up with some other achievement. Is that fair cash to the player? No rules broken?
  11. For example, a hypothetical — say I don’t want Starocci to win #5. Can I commit to pay $20k to any wrestler that legally beats Starocci in a championship bracket match at NCAAs? Maybe I crowd source the $20k. And the wrestler can knowingly and publicly take the money? Or does it have to be something a bit masked? Like announcing that if a wrestler accomplish’s this, I will give a $20k NIL deal to that wrestler.
  12. Seems like this is the thing to do … basically, Hey donors and money sources - I’m leaving unless you pay me more. See, I’m in the portal, I’m serious.
  13. That is gross. You should report your coaches. Seems like a rules violation.
  14. From Intermat write up match was basically 2-1 with penalty point for each and push out for Jesse. Desperation shot by Alirez resulted in Jesse 4-1 win. Not much action. Frankly, that’s crap. It was the one big match. Was for a fundraising event. Wish they decided to put on a show and make wrestling look like a great sport. It is an exhibition. Have some fun. Do they get any coaching on this point? Told to act like it’s Worlds?
  15. Perhaps this will drive universities to focus much more on academics and use sports as a means to enhance physical well being and the character of its students as they prepare for more traditional careers. Will be more like club sports. Relatively low cost … but no longer a major distraction. Will also find ways to cut bloat and reduce the major arms race expenditures on athletic facilities. (Maybe for some. I bet a few will really lean into this type of ruling and be more like, and care more about being, a professional sports business, than a university.)
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