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Dark Energy

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Dark Energy last won the day on May 6 2024

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Very impressive and a testament to his character and will power … as well as his support network … for him to come back so far. I am curious, what the heck did happen shooting wise? Was there ever a full accounting for what happened? Any good thorough write up?
  2. Ferrari far more active in feet.
  3. F sweep single miss. In one tingle now .roll through plot. Wow. No TD call. Hmmm. Eventually PD. 1 min to go. F needs to TD. In! Gets it!!!! Big win for Ferrari!!!
  4. Plott riding. OOB. Plott has F leg up. OOB. Has RT!! Nearly a granby reversal but Plott keeps a foot! Going to OT! More blood Plott
  5. Ferrari down in third. Blair ride. PD called. 1:25 to go. RT at 0. Blood Plott.
  6. Blood time P. p to feet. Out. 3-2 Ferrari. Will Ferrari pick down? 30 sec to go in 2nd. Ferrari playing edge now. Plott ALL OVER his face. Refs should be calling that.
  7. Plott out with a kick out in 2nd. Ferrari with sweep single! Challenged but gets the TD. Impressive.
  8. Zzzzzz. Ref saying ‘action’. 20 sec to go. No action. Double stall due?
  9. Gibbons called Nelson ’Terry’ LOL
  10. Brands doing well considering. 4-0 Hamiti as second period winds down.
  11. Hamiti is one of those guys you just love to watch. Slick.
  12. You made me rewatch. They were booing as Amine was clearly in pain and grabbing knee down in mat. Watch it, very clear. Piss poor.
  13. Finger tie is called stalling?? Huh. 1 pt Caliendo. 6-1. 3rd pd. Amine backing. Caliendo breaks through D to get TD. 9-1. Now has RT. OOB 10 sec to go. C on top. Drops to foot. Wins 10-1.
  14. Amine all defense. So obvious. Called for stalling.
  15. What. Immediate boos. What did you see / hear?
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