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Dark Energy

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Dark Energy last won the day on May 6 2024

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. He really needs another nickname. Still think something related to his opponent’s meat grab freshman year has the best chance at holding strong. (Pun intended!) Mr. Fast-tug AJtheHJ
  2. Figueroa match - that close? Foca match close too!!
  3. Don’t see them much at all after the initial start of the experiment. A few HS kids here and there. Anyone see any kind of thoughtful debrief on the experiment? It is good to experiment. Also good to pull plug when learning it didn’t work.
  4. If Jax pics Iowa — would really be great for the sport. Tremendous interest. Progress toward a PSU counterweight.
  5. He is a junior right? So need to look 2 years out.
  6. If they were doing what you say they should be doing in this regard, I firmly believe that you would whine about that. You are an inherent complainer … just your nature.
  7. Bravo to Flo. This is awesome. Gotta give them some real credit here.
  8. I also was super impressed by his freshman year. I’ve also been dismayed by his end of year performances. Have wondered if a mental thing. Not going to pick him to win but am rooting for a top 4 finish.
  9. I’d go Keck at +500. But not +300.
  10. Great read, thanks. A lot of joy and excitement can be felt emanating from Ono in that article. Now, was the ankle still broken? Seems hard to believe he was hampered. If he was, wow.
  11. What’s up with Wolack? Not having a good season. Stewart also. I’m guessing a coach kinda grimaces when a transfer really underperforms. Some may imply coaching is the issue. I figure there are many many factors at play. But it is easy to point fingers.
  12. An example of match where 3pt TD would have changed result. Abas would have won here with the 3pt scoring. Fun match.
  13. Frankly, after the freestyle match I’m surprised if consensus has Keegan as favorite. I’d lean Haines. What is cool is that you know both camps have done a ton to review that match and are game planning. The next result will also largely reflect on the coaching / adjustments. Will be fun.
  14. I’ve tried to fast forward many live matches but have never been successful. For some damn reason it makes you watch in real time. Freaking infuriating. Flo should find a way to break all known space-time laws. Losers.
  15. I don’t get it. Floarena tells you the mats. Just watch the match you want on the TV app. What is so hard about this?
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