Blake Boarman from Chattanooga could be a darkhorse to get on the podium. His win over Bailey earlier in the season shows he has the talent to be on the podium.
I think he's on the downhill side. Like was said above, he's limited offensively. I personally feel that he's too bulked up. I feel like he doesn't have great athletic ability, at least not compared to others at his level.
And they are only Juniors. They should consider leaving KY for their senior season as neither of them will go 6 minutes in that state next year. Sure they will go tot he Ironman again, but they will have no competition at all in KY. I believe one is on track to be a 6xer and one a 5xer. So maybe that allure keeps them in state.
I think he's the biggest lock in the field. None of the other heavyweights will score an offensive point on him. He might beat Kerk or Hendrickson by 5 or 6 points but they won't be close to upsetting him
No particular order:
Spencer Lee
Nick Lee
John Smith
Brent Metcalf
Brands Bros
Gable Steveson
Lincoln McIlravey
Cary Kolat
Jason Nolf
Zain Retherford
Mark Perry
Alex Dieringer
Carlton Haselrig
Cael Sanderson
Alan Fried