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uncle bernard

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  1. Shameful stuff right here. This is always what Trumpism has been about.
  2. He just announced he's delaying his book tour after backlash lol. Ooops!
  3. great question. because he raises a lot of money from rich NY donors. That’s how Pelosi rose to power too, but out of SF. That’s how you rise in the democratic party. If you’re wondering why he rolled over so quick on this, he has a book tour starting next week. He has “more important” things to do lol.
  4. we need a @Scouts Honor analysis
  5. Find a single post that supports that.
  6. Blatant violation of the first amendment. You can believe these things, but don't ever pretend you care about the Constitution or principles of freedom or free speech. You care about the government enforcing your specific worldview on everybody else. That's all you want.
  7. He has not been charged with a crime. He has not stood trial. If he committed a crime, then he needs to be charged and tried. Then he can be deported. Right now, a legal resident was whisked away with zero representation or rights without being charged with a crime or tried in a court of law. Once again, Conservatives don't actually like the constitution or "freedom." You're just an authoritarian.
  8. This is not how the constitution works.
  9. gibberish response lol the point of the joke is that just because you don’t understand something, doesn’t make it pointless. almost every technological luxury you enjoy today was born out of government-funded research, much of it as an accidental by-product. you may think you’re cancelling stupid “woke” research when you’re actually setting the world back decades in medical/technological progress.
  10. Yeah, picking the woman who didn't charge Epstein in the first place definitely shows Donald is serious about uncovering the truth lmao @Scouts Honor what's the cope this time?
  11. Ah, yes, this will be the new line. the files disappeared under Biden, not under the guy who was friends with Epstein himself. Nothing ever penetrates that thick skull of yours.
  12. So, you admit they lied, but now you implicitly trust they're telling the truth once they got caught?
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