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uncle bernard

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  1. Buddy, he used illegal straw donations from a foreign country to defraud taxpayers out of $10 million. This is a layup case with very easy to follow material evidence. Every prosecutor dreams about this opportunity.
  2. You're out of your mind. The feds have been on this for over a year. This started back when you probably thought Eric Adams was a woke cultural Marxist. His administration is rife with corruption. To an almost comical level. And a high percentage of the individuals involved are former cops, which is why conservative media is trying to distract by focusing on Adams' so-called immigration opposition (which he clearly threw out there to muddy the waters when he knew he was being indicted).
  3. It's only odd-timing because you think everything revolves around your conservative grievances. Indictments in this case have been rolling out over the last couple weeks and this is a sprawling, administration-wide corruption investigation that started over a year ago.
  4. Lmao this investigation has been active for a looong time. Has nothing to do with that.
  5. One of the least surprising things of all time. This is exactly what happens when you fill an administration with former high-ranking cops. Rampant corruption.
  6. Sure, but this guy has very clearly been off his rocker for a while based on his social media. Sane people don't think they can write a song for Bono that would solve the crisis in the Middle East. Is it possible this was an inside job from the Secret Service? I guess. Is it more likely that that a lunatic guessed that Trump would golf during the short break on his campaign schedule? I think so.
  7. Well, you said Kamala slept her way to the top. That's quite different from this. Trump isn't sleeping with Loomer for any benefit. He's just horny.
  8. He golfs almost every day. It's the most rational guess for where he'll be at any given time, and in open terrain no less. For all we know, this guy's sat out there waiting for him before and this was the time he finally showed up.
  9. Not the democrats. He's the only reason this race is close. A generic republican wipes the floor with Kamala due to inflation alone.
  10. "We should behave like wolves" isn't the argument you think it is. *hint: half of adult wolves end up dying in fights with other wolves over territory* there's an important lesson there.
  11. "How did the assassin know the guy who spends 90% of his time golfing would be golfing on the golf course he owns?"
  12. He said the same kind of stuff when he ran last time and corruption only increased. Hilarious that you guys think the way to solve corruption is to take out the middle man and put the billionaires buying those people directly in charge.
  13. Pretty long social media history on this guy. Trump 2016 voter who became an obsessed Ukraine nut. Another brain melted by the internet.
  14. Hochul is a conservative dem who increased the police budget and the mayor of NYC is literally a cop. You're just tilting at windmills at this point.
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