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pawrestler last won the day on February 7

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Keuter:
  2. Well that was brutal
  3. Arnold has got to find some more offense at this weight
  4. I love half time interview with Brands. He always looks so totally baffled at the concept
  5. The Teemer special
  6. Closer score than the match as MN pushed too hard for bonus
  7. lol there was, too funny
  8. Fun match so far! Flynn thought he won but forgot about riding time
  9. What do people think they called good conditioning before cars were invented? ‘Big hay stores’?
  10. Missed that, thanks! Cannon looked good tonight but would love to see Sasso with a final shot at a podium spot
  11. Did Sasso lose the spot or just out tonight?
  12. I thought when Kharchla pulled in the toe when Haines was on his butt that was a TD? Am I wrong?
  13. Nick Lee with the simple Jack fade
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