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pawrestler last won the day on March 9

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  1. He has truly mastered the art of slapping his logo over a picture he didn’t take with reporting that he didn’t actually cover
  2. I thought Hamiti could be a DT type going coming out of a HS and obviously hasn’t panned out exactly like that, but I think he’s gonna look really really good this season working with Taylor
  3. Two spaces before a period is just crazy
  4. Taylor looks better but physically getting bullied here
  5. Taylor coming out a little more motivated here
  6. Selfishly hoping Taylor wins here so we can get a third match
  7. Great interview from Elor, next up is GOLD
  8. Frustrating to see more of the same here
  9. That looked like a brutal eye poke
  10. I have no idea but I would love to see a different approach from him
  11. Here we go. Can’t wait for this one
  12. Third Olympic team, 10th straight team — legend status
  13. She needs the 10000% Jesus headband
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